5. Let A, B, C be subsets of a universal set U. Recall for D CU that XD denotes the characteristic function of D. Prove that XAUBUC = XA +XB+XC - XAMB - XAOC · XBNC + XANBNC. Hint: Facts that you may use: (1) Xpe = 1 – Xd. (2) (AU BUC)° = A n Bºn Cº. (3) XEnF = XEXF. (4) XEnFnG XEXFXG. Don't prove these facts.
Let Z, W, C be subsets of a universal set S. Recall for FC Sthat XF denotes the characteristic function of F. Prove that Xzuwuc=Xz+Xw+ Xc-Xzow- Xznc- Xwnc+ Xzwnc.
A,C,G please
1. Let A, B, and C be subsets of some universal set u. Prove the following statements from Theorem 4.2.6 (a) AUA=/1 and AnA=A. (b) AUO- A and An. (c) AnB C A and ACAUB (d) AU(BUC)= (A U B) U C and An(B n C)-(A n B) n C. (e) AUB=BUA and A n B = B n A. (f) AU(BnC) (AU B) n(AUC) (g) (A U B) = A n B (h) AUA=1( and An-=0. hore...
6. Let A, B, and C be subsets of some universal set U. Prove or disprove each of the following: * (a) (A n B)-C = (A-C) n (B-C) (b) (AUB)-(A nB)=(A-B) U (B-A)
6. Let A, B, and C be subsets of some universal set U. Prove or disprove each of the following: * (a) (A n B)-C = (A-C) n (B-C) (b) (AUB)-(A nB)=(A-B) U (B-A)
D Question 7 Let A and B be subsets of a universal set U with n (U)-32, n (A) = 11, n (B) = 17, and n (AUB) = 25. Compute n(A' nB) D Question 8 Let A and B be subsets of a universal set U with n (U)-32, n (A)-11, n (B)-17, and n (A U B)=25 Compute n (AUB).
Let U be a set, and let A CU. Recall the indicator function XA: U + Z, defined by XA(x) = ſi, rEA 0, A. Now, let A, B CU and consider the symmetric difference of A and B defined by A AB= (A - B)U(B - A). (a) Show that AAB CU, and compute Ø A A. (b) Prove that Ve EU, XAAB(C) = XA(2) + XB(2), where addition is taken modulo 2 (so that 1+1 = 0).
8. Let A and B be subsets of some universal set U. From Proposition 5.10, we know that if A S B, then B S A. Now prove the following proposition: For all sets A and B that are subsets of some universal set U, A C B if and only if B S A.
Let A, B, C be subsets of U. Prove that If C – B=0 then AN (BUC) < ((A-C)) UB
2. Let U be a set, and let A CU. Recall the indicator function XA: U → Z2 defined by XA() : S 1, XEA 10, x¢ A. Now, let A, B CU and consider the symmetric difference of A and B defined by A A B = (A – B) U (B – A). (a) Show that A AB CU, and compute Ø A A. (b) Prove that Vx € U, XAAB(x) = x1(x) + XB(x), where addition is...
Let A, B, and be subsets of a universal set U and suppose n(U) - 200, n(A) -21, n(B) = 23, (C) -27, [ AB) - 7, n(ANC) - 10, n(BC) - 13, and ( ABN) - 3. Compute: (a) MAN (BUCI (b) AN (BU09