B. 1000 reference variables, each of which point to a single BankAccount entry
firstEmpireBank = new BankAccount[1000];
In the above line we are creating 1000 references of the type BankAccount and assigning them to a single variable firstEmpireBank.
Assume that BankAccount is a predefined class and that the declaration BankAccount[ ] firstEmpireBank; has already...
5. Assume that Person is a predefined class and that the declaration Person[] people; has already been performed. Then the instruction People = new Person [200]; Reserves memory space for(Circle the answer): Option 1: a single Person object Option 2: 200 Person objects Option 3: a single reference variable that points to a single Person object Option 4:200 reference variables and 200 Person objects Option 5: 200 reference variable, each of which can point to...
4. Write an if/else statement in ternary format that compares the value of two int variables, firstNum and secondNum, and sets the value of an int variable minValue appropriately as follows: minValue should be the minimum of firstNum and secondNum. 5. Assume that Person is a predefined class and that the declaration Person[] people; has already been performed. Then the instruction People = new Person [200]; Reserves memory space for(Circle the answer): Option 1: a single Person object Option 2:...
4. Write an if/else statement in ternary format that compares the value of two int variables, firstNum and secondNum, and sets the value of an int variable minValue appropriately as follows: minValue should be the minimum of firstNum and secondNum. 5. Assume that Person is a predefined class and that the declaration Person[] people; has already been performed. Then the instruction People = new Person [200]; Reserves memory space for(Circle the answer): Option 1: a single Person object ...
Download BankAccount.java and BankAccountTester.java starting files and drag and drop them into your eclipse project. The BankAccount class declaration in file BankAccount.java is the blueprint of a BankAccount object. Check out the design of a BankAccount class. 1. In BankAccount.java class, all of the method stubs ( methods with a header but empty bodies ) are present to help you get started. Your task is to complete the method bodies. All comments in red in the diagram above indicates what...
TASK 1 Create a new class called CheckingAccount that extends BankAccount. It should contain a static constant FEE that represents the cost of clearing onecheck. Set it equal to 15 cents. Write a constructor that takes a name and an initial amount as parameters. Itshould call the constructor for the superclass. It should initializeaccountNumber to be the current value in accountNumber concatenatedwith -10 (All checking accounts at this bank are identified by the extension -10). There can be only one...
C++ Design a class bankAccount that defines a bank account as an ADT and implements the basic properties of a bank account. The program will be an interactive, menu-driven program. a. Each object of the class bankAccount will hold the following information about an account: account holder’s name account number balance interest rate The data members MUST be private. Create an array of the bankAccount class that can hold up to 20 class objects. b. Include the member functions to...
House Class Specification The House class represents a house. A house has an address (address instance variable), a year it was built (built instance variable), and the names of residents of the house (residents instance variable). The declaration of each variable follows. private String address; private int built; private StringBuffer residents; The class methods are: 1. Constructor - Takes a string (representing the address) and an integer (representing the year the house was built) as parameters, and initializes the corresponding...
please write in c++.
4 Derived class JPG 4.1 Class declaration • The class JPG inherits from File and is a non-abstract class. 1. Hence objects of the class JPG can be instantiated. 2. To do so, we must override the pure virtual function clone() in the base class. • The class declaration is given below. class JPG : public File { public: JPG(const std::string& n, int n, int w, const double rgb()) : File(...) { // ... } *JPG()...
12. Consider C++ class. Which one of the following choices is NOT correct? A. Class instances can be static, stack dynamic, or heap dynamic. B. If static or stack dynamic, they are referenced directly with value variables. C. If stack dynamic, they are referenced through pointers. D. Stack dynamic instances of classes are always created by the elaboration of an object declaration. E. The lifetime of such a class instance ends when the end of the scope of its declaration...
An array of class objects is similar to an array of some other data type. To create an array of Points, we write Point parray [4]; To access the object at position i of the array, we write parray [i] and to call a method on that object method, we write parray [i]. methodName (arg1 , arg2 , ...) ; To initialize an array of objects whose values are known at compile time, we can write Point parray [4] =...