Using SQL, carry out the various DML
and DDL functions on the tables mentioned below:
1. Insert the data given above in both employee, department and
project tables.
2. Display all the employees’ information.
3. Display Employee name along with his SSN and Supervisor
4. Display the employee names whose bdate is ’29-MAR-1959’.
5. Display salary of the employees without duplications.
6. Display the MgrSSN, MgrStartDate of the manager of ‘Finance’
7. Modify the department number of an employee having fname as
‘Joyce’ to 5
8. Alter Table department add column DepartmentPhoneNum of NUMBER
data type and insert values into this column only.
9. Alter table department to modify the size of
10. Modify the field name DepartmentPhoneNum of departments table
to PhNo.
11. Rename Table Department as DEPT.
12. Alter Table department remove column PhNo.
13. Create a table COPYOFDEPT as a copy of the table DEPT.
14. Delete all the rows from COPYOF DEPT table.
15. Remove COPYOF DEPT table.
Mention the SQL code used and the Output for each and every part.
Table Name: Employee
Attribute |
Data Type |
First Name |
Mid Name |
CHAR(2) |
Last Name |
SSN Number |
CHAR(9) |
Birthday |
Address |
Sex |
CHAR(1) |
Salary |
NUMBER (7) |
Supervisor SSN |
CHAR(9) |
Department Number |
NUMBER (5) |
Table Name: Department
Attribute |
Data Type |
Department Name |
Varchar(15) |
Department Number |
Number(5) |
ManagerSSN |
CHAR(9) |
ManageStartDate |
Table Name: Project
Attribute |
Data Type |
Project Name |
Project Number |
Project Location |
Department Number |
Data For Employee Table
FName |
Mini t |
LName |
BDate |
Address |
Sex |
Salary |
SuperSSN |
DepNo |
Doug |
E |
Gilbert |
554433221 |
09-JUN-60 |
11 S 59 E, Salt Lake City, UT |
M |
80000 |
3 |
Joyce |
543216789 |
07-FEB-78 |
35 S 18 E, Salt Lake City, UT |
F |
70000 |
2 |
Frankin |
T |
Wong |
333445555 |
08-DEC- 45 |
638 Voss, Houston, TX |
M |
40000 |
554433221 |
5 |
Jennifer |
S |
Wallace |
987654321 |
20-JUN-31 |
291 Berry, Bellaire, TX |
F |
43000 |
554433221 |
4 |
John |
B |
Smith |
123456789 |
09-JAN-55 |
731 Fondren, Houston, TX |
M |
30000 |
333445555 |
5 |
Ramesh |
K |
Narayan |
666884444 |
15-SEP-52 |
975 Fire Oak, Humble, TX |
M |
38000 |
333445555 |
5 |
Joyce |
A |
English |
453453453 |
31-JUL-62 |
5631 Rice, Houston, TX |
F |
25000 |
333445555 |
5 |
James |
E |
Borg |
888665555 |
10-NOV- 27 |
450 Stone, Houston, TX |
M |
55000 |
543216789 |
1 |
Alicia |
J |
Zelaya |
999887777 |
19-JUL-58 |
3321 Castle, Spring, TX |
F |
25000 |
987654321 |
4 |
Ahmad |
V |
Jabbar |
987987987 |
29-MAR- 59 |
980 Dallas, Houston, TX |
M |
25000 |
987654321 |
4 |
Data For Department table
DName |
DepNo |
MgrSSN |
MgrStartDate |
Manufacture |
1 |
888665555 |
19-JUN-71 |
Administration |
2 |
543216789 |
04-JAN-99 |
Headquarter |
3 |
554433221 |
22-SEP-55 |
Finance |
4 |
987654321 |
01-JAN-85 |
Research |
5 |
333445555 |
22-MAY-78 |
Data For Project
PName |
PNumber |
Plocation |
DepNo |
ProjectA |
3388 |
Houston |
1 |
ProjectB |
1945 |
Salt Lake City |
3 |
ProjectC |
6688 |
Houston |
5 |
ProjectD |
2423 |
Bellaire |
4 |
ProjectE |
7745 |
Sugarland |
5 |
ProjectF |
1566 |
Salt Lake City |
3 |
ProjectG |
1234 |
New York |
2 |
ProjectH |
3467 |
Stafford |
4 |
ProjectI |
4345 |
Chicago |
1 |
ProjectJ |
2212 |
San Francisco |
2 |
DDL commands means Data defination language which are the subset of SQL commands.
In DDL we use Create,Alter,Drop.
For Creation of the table we follow the syntax.
Create table_name(
attribute_name_1 datatype(size),
attribute_name_2 datatype(size),
attribute_name_n datatype(size)
Alter means modifying the table columns and their datatypes.
In Alter we can do following Modes:
Alter Syntax :
Alter table table_name {mode} column datatype;
Drop means removing the table .
Drop Syntax : Drop table table_name;
DML are the Data Manipulation Language commands in SQL
These are Select, Insert, Update, Delete etc
According to the given question
1.Insert data into tables Employee,Department and Projects
Insert into Employee Table:
INSERT INTO employee (
,'09-JUN-60','11 S 59 E,Salt Lake City, UT'
For Department and Project we need to use same commands for insertion of data.
2. For Displaying the details we use select command.
Syntax: SELECT attribute_name_1,attribute_name_2... from table_name
To display all attributes we can simply use star(*) instead of writing all attribute names.
SELECT * FROM table_name.
--> For displaying all employees data.
Select * from Employee;
This means the sql will pick employee table and we have select that means we are fetching so what will be fetching means we have * that means it will fetch all the attributes and all the rows present in the table.
--> For displaying name along with ssn and supervisior ssn
Select FName,SSN,SuperSSN from Employee;
This will also fetching but we have written some attributes after select so the sql will fetch those attribute values of all rows in the table.
--> For displaying details without duplications
Select Distinct Salary from Employee;
In this query we are fetching only salary attribute of all rows but we have added distinct means it will fetch unique values by eliminating the duplicates.
-->For displaying details based on conditions. Display details of manager from finance department
SELECT MGRssn,Mgrstartdate FROM Dname WHERE DName='Finance';
In this query we are fetching some attributes but we have added some where clause that means it will fetch details based on the condition.That means the result will have the details of only the department name is Finance.
-->Add column DepartmentPhoneNum
ALTER table Department ADD DepartmentPhoneNum Number(10);
In query we are using add mode to the table so the new column name departmentphonenumber with datatype number and size 10 will be added to the deparment table.
--> Remove Column PhNo from Deparment
ALTER table Department DROP PhNo ;
In this query we are using drop mode in alter so that means drop is used to be removing the column in the table.
so the column phno will be removed from the table.
--> Delete all rows from table COPYOFDEPT
Delete from tablename means it will remove all the rows from the table.
-->Delete table from database
Drop means removing so the table COPYOFDEPT will be removed from the database.
--> Rename table name
ALTER table table_name RENAME new_table_name
ALTER table Department RENAME Dept.
In this query we using rename mode in alter so the name of the table Department will be replaces as Dept.
Using SQL, carry out the various DML and DDL functions on the tables mentioned below: 1....
I need help with the following SQL query for a company database (script given below). The name of the Department. The number of employees working in that department. The number of different projects controlled by this department. The name of the project controlled by this department that has the maximum number of employees of the company working on it. The number of the above project. The cumulative sum of the number of employees of the company working on the projects...
Query 1: Retrieve names of all the projects as well as First and Last name of managers if they are working on any of these projects. Database: //STEP #1: CREATE TABLE employee ( fname varchar(15) not null, minit varchar(1), lname varchar(15) not null, ssn char(9), bdate date, address varchar(50), sex char, salary decimal(10,2), Super_ssn char(9), dno char(4), primary key (ssn)); CREATE TABLE department ( dname varchar(25) not null, dnumber char(4), Mgr_ssn char(9) not null, Mgr_start_date date, primary key (dnumber)); CREATE...
Query #2: List the name of the project and total number of hours worked on by all the employees on this project, also report the number of employees working on each project. Database: //STEP #1: CREATE TABLE employee ( fname varchar(15) not null, minit varchar(1), lname varchar(15) not null, ssn char(9), bdate date, address varchar(50), sex char, salary decimal(10,2), Super_ssn char(9), dno char(4), primary key (ssn)); CREATE TABLE department ( dname varchar(25) not null, dnumber char(4), Mgr_ssn char(9) not null,...
Please provide the relation algebra, the oracle SQL code and the output tuples for the following (Answer #6 only the BONUS question). I have the others actually I have the BONUS, but I want to compare with your solution to make sure I did it correctly. Thank you very much! LAB exercises 2 Write the Oracle DML query codes for the following questions and take the screen shot of the output. 1. Retrieve the name and address of all employees...
Oracle SQL Assignment 4 - List the name of supervisor who has more supervisee than other supervisors. The supervisor would be the Mgr_ssn from the Department table. Each employee from the Employee table has a Super_ssn which would be their supervisor. 1 to this PC Picture Tools ew Help Acrobat Storyboarding FormatTell me what you want to de Picture Bonde A Bring Send Selection Tent Pictu楩Layout . | | Forward. Backward . Pane Figure 3.6 One possibie database state for...
(SELECT pnumber FROM project, department, employee WHERE dnum=dnumber AND mgr_ssn=ssn AND lname='Smith') UNION (SELECT pnumber FROM project, works_on, employee WHERE pnumber=pno AND essn=ssnAND lname='Smith') Can you draw the relation step by step , how to solve it ?! Figure 5.6 One possible database state for the COMPANY relational database schema. EMPLOYEE Sex Salary Super ssn Dno B Smith 123456789 1965-01-09 731 Fondren, Houston, TX M 30000 3334455555 Ssn Fname Minit Lname John Franklin TWong 333445555 1955-12-08 638 Voss, Houston, TXM40000...
write the following queris in sql : a) Using nested query , retreive the sependent names of male employees whose salary > 30000 b ) list the female employee, who are not managers EMPLOYEE Fname MinitLname John Franklin T Wong 333445555 1955-12-08 638 Voss, Houston, TX M 4 Ssn Sex Salary Super sen Dno B Smith 123456789 1965 01-09 731 Fondren, Houston, TX M 30000 13334455 AliciaZelaya 999987777 1968-01-19 3321 Castle, Spring, TXF Jennifer S Wallace 987654321 1941-06-20 291 Berry,...
New to DB's Please help! You are designing and creating a database named COMPANY for an HR (Human Resource) Dept of a Software Consulting Company to manage their employees and their assigned work (projects) in the company First Step to Design and Create a Database is Creating an E-R Diagram by Identifying Entities, Attributes and Relationships between any two Entities to Create a Company Database Scheme. 1. Create an E-R Diagram for the Company database from the raw data files...
drop table department cascade constraints; create table department ( Dname varchar2(15) not null, Dnumber int not null, Mgr_ssn char(9) not null, mgr_start_date Date, primary key (Dnumber), Unique (Dname)); insert into DEPARTMENT values ('Research', '5', '333445555', '22-May-1988'); insert into DEPARTMENT values ('Administration', '4', '987654321', '01-Jan-1995'); insert into DEPARTMENT values ('Headquarters', '1', '888665555', '19-Jun-1981'); drop table employee cascade constraints; create table employee ( Fname varchar2(15) not null, Minit char(1), Lname varchar2(15) not null, Ssn char(9), Bdate date, Address varchar2(30), Sex char(1),...
Search all employee who work total on all project less than 40 hrs from works_on table. Please give me a query for this. Figure 5.6 One possible database state for the COMPANY relational database schema. EMPLOYEE Fname Minit Lname Sex Salary Super ssn Dno B Smith 123456789 1965-01-09 731 Fondren, Houston, TX M 30000 333445555 5 FranklinT Wong 333445555 1955-12-08 638 Voss, Houston, TX M 40000 888665555 5 JZelaya 999887777 1968-01-19 3321 Castle, Spring, TX F 25000 9876543214 JenniferSWallace 9876543211941-06-20...