
“SOUTHWEST AIRLINES” Perform a SWOT analysis SWOT Analysis Outline Subject and Purpose of the SWOT Analysis...


Perform a SWOT analysis

SWOT Analysis Outline

Subject and Purpose of the SWOT Analysis (What is being analyzed & why)

Selected Organization and Associated Mission & Vision Statements

Summary of Resources Utilized (e.g. individuals participating, functions and/or departments used as sources, and/or research and data collection performed)

SWOT Matrix (matrix populated with detailed/specific statements)

Summary of Strengths

Summary of Weaknesses

Summary of Opportunities

Summary of Threats

Discussion of the SWOT Outcome (Leveraging Strengths to overcome Weaknesses and Threats, Capitalizing on Opportunities, and Identifying new strengths/capabilities that may need to be developed to capitalize on opportunities)

Conclusions and Recommendations (Include your insights gained, strategic “ideas” to consider going forward, specific actions to take, and further research/analysis yet to be performed. (Note: You must include this step and the previous step in your paper since they are the real analysis pieces in the assignment, and will provide you with strategic options to consider as input to your Strategy Plan.)


Grading Rubric:



Subject and Purpose of the SWOT Analysis


Brief Overview of your Selected Organization and associated Mission & Vision Statements


Summary of Resources Utilized in SWOT Analysis


Summary of SWOT Analysis


SWOT Matrix


Summary of Strengths


Summary of Weaknesses


Summary of Opportunities


Summary of Threats




Discussion of SWOT Outcome


Conclusions and Recommendations


Presentation and Format


Following APA Guidelines


Document Sectioning, Quality of Writing, Clarity, Readability, Flow, Grammar, and Spelling




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“SOUTHWEST AIRLINES” Perform a SWOT analysis SWOT Analysis Outline Subject and Purpose of the SWOT Analysis...
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