
Compare and contrast the similarities and differences between ribosomes present in the cytosol and those present...

Compare and contrast the similarities and differences between ribosomes present in the cytosol and those present in mitochondria in human cells, as well as ribosomes present in bacterial cells.

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Answer #1

The Basic similarity is that all have two subunits of ribosome.

In the cytosol Ribosomes it also consist of two subunits. In a human cells mitochondria, ribosome consists of two subunits - large mt RNA 55 S and small mt RNA 28S. In a bacterial cell it consists of two subunits 30S and 50 S.

The basic difference in each them isin the act of action that is their functioning.

Bacterial ribosome is specifically designed for the syntesis of proteins and act as active for mRNA translation toI synthesis of protein.

In mitochondrial ribosome, several ribosomes attached to form polysome. The main function is to translate mitochondrial mRNA and mDNA.

The cytosol Ribosomes are present freely or it may be bound to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) for the formation of rough ER.

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Compare and contrast the similarities and differences between ribosomes present in the cytosol and those present...
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