1. A calorie is a measure of the energy content of food.
a. True b. False
2. Which chemical in the alcohol metabolic pathway is most
a. ethanol
b. acetaldehyde
c. acetic acid
d. none are toxic
e. all are equally toxic
3. Which of the following are risks of long term regular use of
a. Increased cancer rates.
b. Infertility and impotence.
c. Diabetes.
d. Liver disease.
e. All of the above.
4. An amino acid is to a polypeptide as ____ is to ____.
a. testosterone is to estrogen.
b. a nucleotide is to DNA.
c. triglycerides are to protein.
d. a protein is to a plasma membrane.
e. a tree is to an ocean.
5. Current evidence is that artificial sweeteners are safe and a
healthier alternative to excess sugar so
long as they are consumed at the same time as something with
a. True b. False
6. Which are true of carbo-loading?
a. The depletion phase induces up-regulation of enzymes that
synthesize glycogen.
b. The loading phase induces down-regulation of enzymes that
synthesize protein.
c. The depletion phase induces down-regulation of enzymes that
synthesize glycogen.
d. None of the other answers are correct.
7. Why does taking steroids to make more muscle also result in
smaller testes?
a. Steroids are a sperm toxin and the testes make sperm; therefore
steroids are also a testes toxin.
b. That is a myth promoted by parents to stop their sons from
taking steroids.
c. The injections are made into the testes.
d. Homeostasis. The body responds by reducing the tissue that makes
e. All of the other answers are incorrect.
8. Carbohydrates:
a. contain more energy per gram than fat or protein.
b. are strong acids.
c. are strong bases.
d. are good sources of sustained energy when eaten as
polysaccharides (starches).
e. None of the above.
9. Cellular respiration is the process by which:
a. oxygen is produced during metabolic activity.
b. light energy is converted into kinetic energy.
c. oxygen is used to transport chemical energy throughout the body
via diffusion.
d. energy from the chemical bonds of sugar is converted to
e. ATP molecules are converted into water and sugar.
10. Which of the following are true of essential amino acids?
a. You can’t make them.
b. Most individual plants do not contain all of them but
combinations of plants often do.
c. It is essential that you make them.
d. None of the above.
e. Both (a) and (b) are true.
11. When you eat glucose which of the following will NOT
a. Some of the glucose may be converted to protein for
b. Some of the glucose may be converted to fat for storage.
c. Some of the glucose may be converted to glycogen for
d. Some of the glucose may be broken down (metabolized) for
12. In/on your body, bacterial cells outnumber your own.
a. True b. False
13. Starch in plants is equivalent to glycogen in animals. Both are
a storage form of glucose.
a. True b. False
14. On food packages, “insoluble fiber” refers to plant material
that we can't digest even though it is
important for maintaining a healthy digestive tract. This substance
a. Amino acid.
b. Carbohydrate.
c. Protein.
d. Cellulose.
e. Both (b) and (d) are true.
15. Which are true of the prohibition of drugs?
a. The US loses at least tens of billions of dollars per year
(interdiction and lost tax revenue).
b. Recreational drug tends to not change much following the
decriminalization of drugs.
c. Overdose rates and quality control are greater under
d. Drug laws are not enforced equally across races/socioeconomic
e. All of the above.
16. Which are NOT true concerning fats?
a. Saturated fats contribute to strokes and heart attacks.
b. Saturated fats contribute to narrowing arteries.
c. Saturated fats are found primarily in plants.
d. Saturated fats are found primarily in animals.
e. A diet with a high unsaturated-to-saturated fat ratio is
healthier than the alternative.
17. Unintended consequences of anaboloic steroid use do NOT
a. Breast tissue in males.
b. Hypertension.
c. Coronary disease.
d. Heart attack.
e. Weight loss
18. Which of the following is a polysaccharide?
a. glucose, the chief cellular energy source.
b. cellulose, the primary component of plant cell walls.
c. fructose, one of the most important blood sugars.
d. insulin, the chief blood sugar regulator.
e. Three of the other answers are correct.
19. What does BMI arithmetically attempt to 'control for' (prevent
from contributing to a given
a. Height
b. Muscle density, and amount
c. Bone density, and amount
d. Weight
20. Which of the following would likely be a good source of protein
and the healthiest choice, overall?
a. Rice and Corn
b. Rice and beans
c. Muscle Milk or other over the counter protein supplements
d. Cheese
e. Lentils
21. Which of the following statements about enzymes is NOT
a. Enzymes are easily and permamently denatured.
b. Enzymes in organisms are proteins.
c. Enzymes speed up chemical reactions.
d. Enzymes are destroyed when they participate in a chemical
22. Which are NOT true of alcohol?
a. Lighter colored alcohols tend to contain fewer toxic
b. If you drink alcohol you can reduce damage by substituting more
c. Hangovers are the sensation of being poisoned.
d. Fireball contains several important vitamins and minerals.
23. Which are true of diets or dieting?
a. High protein diets work temporarily and are not generally
b. To lose weight, calories burned must exceed calories
c. Consistent exercise plus consistent eating habits works best/is
d. Uncomfortable diets will tend work temporarilly, if at
e. All of the above are true.
24. Which are NOT true of drugs
a. Tylenol (acetaminophen) is unusually toxic for an over the
counter drug.
b. Cannabis is toxic.
c. ADHD drugs (e.g., Ritalin & Adderall) have side
d. Spice (K2) is toxic and has caused dozens of deaths.
25. Why do we cook meat?
a. To create essential amino acides
b. To renature troponin.
c. To denature the proteins of microbes/parasites.
d. It is unclear but probably as an anti-cancer adaptation.
26. Two cells are cubes and similar. One has a length of 2 um and
the other has length of 4 um. How
many times faster can the larger cell accept oxygen? (hint:
calculate something for each, then divide
the result of the larger cell by the result for the smaller
a. 2 b. 4 c. 8 d. 16 e. 32
27. Continuing with the previous question. How many times greater
is the need for oygen in larger cell?
(hint: calculate something for each, then divide the result of the
larger cell by the result for the smaller
a. 2 b. 4 c. 8 d. 16 e. 32
28. Which of the following are NOT true of hydrogen bonds?
a. They hold DNA strands (double helix) together.
b. They contribute to protein shape.
c. They contribute to the viscosity (thickness) of water.
d. They are covalent bonds.
29. Which are NOT true of caffeine:
a. Within a few weeks one requires greater doses to achieve the
same level of stimulation.
b. It competes with adenosine for receptors in the brain, thereby
blocking adenosine from binding.
c. The acclimation process occurs due to an increase in the number
of adenosine receptors.
d. Once acclimated, removal of caffeine generally results in
withdrawal symptoms.
e. It binds to cholesterol receptors in the heart to increase
30. According to lecture, which are true concerning obesity?
a. The US and Mexico have the two highest rates.
b. It strongly correlates with diabetes and is believed to
contribute to it.
c. Rates of obesity have actually accelerated across the developed
world in recent decades.
d. Across the world, average per capita food intake has increased
over the last 5-6 decades.
e. All of the above are true.
1) A calorie is a measure of the energy content of food is a true statement because calorie is the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of 1 Kg of water and 1 degree Celsius,.
2) Which chemical in the alcohol metabolic pathway is most toxic - acetaldehyde because ethanol on dehydrogenation produce acetaldehyde.
3) Increased cancer rates, Infertility and impotence, Diabetes and Liver disease are risks of long term regular use of alcohol.
4) An amino acid is to a polypeptide as nucleotide is to DNA (Deoxy nucleic acid) because amino acid is one of the component of amino acids and Nucleotide is one of component of nucleic acids like DNA, RNA.
5) Current evidence is that artificial sweeteners are safe and a healthier alternative to excess sugar so long as they are consumed at the same time as something with calories is false statement even though have zero calories and do not up weight but there are cases where consumption of artificial sweeteners cause heart strokes etc.
6) The depletion phase induces up-regulation of enzymes that synthesize glycogen is true statement of Carbohydrate loading.
7) Taking steroids to make more muscle also result in smaller testes because Steroids are a sperm toxin and the testes make sperm; therefore steroids are also a testes toxin.
8) Carbohydrates are good sources of sustained energy when eaten as polysaccharides (starches) but they produce less energy than proteins and fats.
9) Cellular respiration is the process by which energy from the chemical bonds of sugar is converted to ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate).
10) Essential amino acids are the amino acids that cannot be made, they are nine in number but cannot be present wholly in the plants either of one or 2 essential amino acids might miss. Hence option A and B are present.
11) When we eat glucose, Some of the glucose cannot be converted to protein for storage whereas it can be converted to fats, glycogen and some amount is metabolised to produce energy.
12) In/on your body, bacterial cells outnumber your own is true statement because they are about ten to one.
13) Starch in plants is equivalent to glycogen in animals. Both are a storage form of glucose is true statement both starch and glycogen are polysaccharides.
14) On food packages, “insoluble fiber” refers to plant material
that we can't digest even though it is
important for maintaining a healthy digestive tract. This substance
is carbohydrate and cellulose. Both B and D options are true
15) Which are true of the prohibition of drugs - Overdose rates and quality control are greater under prohibition.
16) Which are NOT true concerning fats - Saturated fats are found primarily in plants.
17) Unintended consequences of anabolic steroid use do NOT include weight loss.
18) Which of the following is a polysaccharide : cellulose, the primary component of plant cell walls.
19) What does BMI arithmetically attempt to 'control for'
(prevent from contributing to a given
measure)? - weight (BMI - Body mass index)
20) Which of the following would likely be a good source of protein and the healthiest choice, overall - Rice and beans
21) Which of the following statements about enzymes is NOT true - Enzymes are destroyed when they participate in a chemical reaction.
22) Which are NOT true of alcohol - Fireball contains several important vitamins and minerals.
23) Which are true of diets or dieting - High protein diets work
temporarily and are not generally healthy, To lose weight, calories
burned must exceed calories consumed, Consistent exercise plus
consistent eating habits works best/is healthiest.
and Uncomfortable diets will tend work temporarily, if at all.
Hence all the above is correct option.
24) Which are NOT true of drugs - Tylenol (acetaminophen) is unusually toxic for an over the counter drug because it is not an OTC drug it is just used for fever and pains.
25) We cook meat in order to denature the proteins of microbes/parasites.
26) Two cells are cubes and similar. One has a length of 2 um
and the other has length of 4 um. How
many times faster can the larger cell accept oxygen? (hint:
calculate something for each, then divide
the result of the larger cell by the result for the smaller cell) -
42 um2/22 um2 = 4 times
larger cell can accept
27) 8 times because volume of one cell is 23 um3 = 8 um3 and other cell is 43 um3 = 64. 64/8 = 8 Hence 8 times.
28) Which of the following are NOT true of hydrogen bonds - They are covalent bonds. They are just weak bonds.
29) Which are NOT true of caffeine - It binds to cholesterol receptors in the heart to increase stimulation.
30) According to lecture, which are true concerning obesity - Rates of obesity have actually accelerated across the developed world in recent decades
1. A calorie is a measure of the energy content of food. a. True b. False...
Which of the following is a simple sugar that is a very important source of energy for cells? a. glucose b. cellulose c. starch d. ribose 0. When blood glucose levels decrease (as between meals), what reserves are tapped first? a. glycogen b. fats c. proteins d. steroids e. amino acids 11. Pancreatic cells make insulin, which is a type of protein. the process of_ in order to synthesiz These cells use a. nucleotides, condensation. b. monosaccharides, dehydration synthesis. c....
ANSWER THE FOLLOWING AS TRUE OR FALSE a) _____ there are no saturated fats in vegetable products, only animal products b) _____ hydrogenation takes unsaturated fats and converts them to saturated fats c) _____ humans are capable of utilizing cellulose for food d) _____ amino acids are joined in a specific sequence to form proteins e) _____ cellulose is indigestible to all organisms f) _____ the dissacharide found in mammalian milk is maltose...
molecule. One glucose molecule and one galactose molecule would produce a) galactose b) sucrose maltose d) collagen e) lactose Which of the following is a correct match of monomer to polymer: a) glucose - protein b) glucose - lipid c) amino acid - protein d) amino acid - nucleic acid e) Nucleotide - protein The most abundant bio-organic molecule that is contained in any cell: a) lipid b) carbohydrate c) nucleic acid d) protein e) boeh a and care amount...
need help for questions 21, 23, and 24
21. For a eukaryotic cell (an animal), an excess of glucose would be stored as g glucose would be stored as glycogen by a) glycogen lysis enzymes in liposomes an enzyme that binds to cellulose, c) storage in the Golgi apparatus, d) glycogen stored in the mesosomes that contaln dehydration synthesis enzymes, e) by organelles that contain dehydration synthesis enzymes 22. The molecule ATP is important because it is the energy source...
3.) Digestion of food, in which large biological molecules are broken down into their smaller building blocks, is an example of which of the following types of chemical reactions: a. dehydration synthesis b. anabolism e. hydrolysis d.precipitation 4.) TRUE or FALSE: Hydrolysis reactions require energy input. 5.) Give an example of a disaccharide and indicate which monosaccharides it is composed of. 6.) Which of the following is a polysaccharide? b. sucrose c. glycogen a. glucose d. fructose e. deoxyribose 7.)...
provides short-term energy storage for animals many sugars forms the cell wall of plant cells 29. 30. Part C. Which specific molecule (saturated fat, unsaturated fat, protein, glucose, starch, cellulose) is each food mestlx made of? celery butter 39. 32. -spinach 33. beef jerky bacon noodles orange juice44 cheese 41. 42 43. cranberries egg white table sugar popcorn lobster sesame oil 35. 36 37. 38. 45, wheat 46. Part D. State whether each is found in animals, plants or both....
Which macromolecule functions for long term energy storage? A. Simple sugars B. Fats C. Enzymes D. DNA Of the following mixtures in various test tubes, which would you expect to observe the formation of bubbles of CO2? A. Water, sugar, and yeast. B. Water and sugar. C. Water alone. D. Water and yeast. You add an equal volume of water to an unknown chemical liquid. You notice that the unknown chemical and the water form two seperate layers and the...
3. True or False [ ] In glycolysis, a single glucose molecule breaks down into two molecules of pyruvate, which can then be broken down further to release ATP. Glycolysis itself releases four net molecules of ATP per molecule of glucose. [ ] The main products in glycolysis include ATP, pyruvate and NADPH. [ ] In the preparatory phase of glycolysis, ATP is invested to convert glucose to fructose 1,6-bisphosphate. The bond between C-2 and C-3 is then broken to...
1. ---------- is the conversion of glucose for storage 2. What would you tell a bodybuilding friend consuming excess dietary protein to build muscle and fuel her workouts? select all that apply a. excess amino acids can contribe to weight gain b. excess amino acids are converted into glucose stored as glycogen c. excess amino acids are not stored in the body as protein d. excess amino acids are converted into fatty acids and stored as triglycerides in adipose tissue...
QUESTION 1 Lipids are broken down by bile and lipases into what? A. Trans fats B. Saturated fats C. Monoglycerides D. Triglycerides QUESTION 2 Which of the following is part of the neuroendocrine regulation of digestion? O A. Activation of the Enteric Nervous System B. The release of hormones from accessory organs C. Protein activation of chemoreceptors in the stomach, which induces gastrin release D. All the above QUESTION 3 The pancreas releases: A. lipase B. chymotrypsin C. bicarbonate D....