In the second and third order conditioning, what is absent?
A. Neutral stimulus
B. Secondary Reinforcer
C. A primary reinforcer
D. A response
B) in second and third order conditioning, a secondary reinforcer is absent.
The primary reinforcers occur naturally and do not need to be learned.
In the second and third order conditioning, what is absent? A. Neutral stimulus B. Secondary Reinforcer...
Describe Classical Conditioning including Neutral Stimulus, Unconditioned Response, Unconditioned Stimulus, Conditioned Response, Conditioned Stimulus, Acquisition, Higher-Order Conditioning., Extinction, Spontaneous Recovery and Generalization.
26. Techniques used to determine if a stimulus has become a secondary reinforcer include a. the extinction technique b. the new response technique c. both of the above d. neither of the above
According to the operant conditioning perspective, candy is a reinforcer if it a. strengthens the probability of a behavior that precedes it. b. elicits a response. C. strengthens the probability of a behavior that follows it. elicits salivation.
Learning is a change in behavior that is adaptive True False In classical conditioning, the element that elicits a biological response is called the: A. Conditioned Stimulus B. Unconditioned Response C. Unconditioned Stimulus D. Neutral Stimulus The conditioned stimulus: A. normally elicits a biological response B. does not normally elicit the unconditioned response C. is a response to the neutral stimulus D. is a response to the unconditioned stimulus In classical conditioning, the most important learning happens between the: A....
41. In conditioning, the conditioned stimulus (CS) continues until after the unconditioned stimulus (UCS) is presented. Inc period of time between the offset of the conditioned stimulus (CS) and onset of the unconditioned stimulus (UCS). A) delayed; trace B) trace; delayed C) classical; operant D) operant; classical conditioning, there is a short 42. In watson's study, the white rat was the __ and the loud noise was the A) B) C) D) UCS (unconditioned stimulus); UCR (unconditioned response) UCS (unconditioned...
Learning Activity 4.1: Classical Conditioning Read the following situations and identify the following: UCS: unconditioned stimulus .UCR: unconditioned response NS: neutral stimulus CS: conditioned stimulus CR: conditioned response 1. Your dog comes running when he hears the electric can opener. UCS: unconditioned stimulus: UCR: unconditioned response NS: neutral stimulus: CS: conditioned stimulus: CR: conditioned response 2. While listening to your car radio, you accidentally rear-end a blue car in front of you. Now, every time you see a blue car,...
What is the Neutral Stimulus, Unconditioned Stimulus, Unconditioned Response, and Conditioned Response in this scenario? Ashley often times is terrified when she drives through a particular intersection, since she had witnesseda fatal car accident there. 4. NS: US: UR: CS: CR
Please help х Question 1 Unanswered Conditioning is the process of A discrimination. B spontaneous recovery. C associative learning. D observational learning. х Question 2 Unanswered Which of the following is an unconditioned response? A playing jump rope B running through a maze to get a food reward с shivering in cold weather D clapping after a thrilling concert performance Х Question 3 Unanswered In Pavlov's experiments on the salivary conditioning of dogs, the unconditioned stimulus (US) was D a...
a new stimulus-response association is classically conditioned, it must be paired with the old stimulus occasionally or reinforced to avoid a. second-order conditioning. b. extinction. c. stimulus generalization. d. stimulus discrimination. 68. In a study of college students with no history of emotional disturbance, students with higher right hemisphere activation were a. less likely to experience their first depressive episode. b. more likely to experience their first depressive episode. c. made depressed by the researchers. d. less likely to experience...
25. In operant conditioning, punishment makes a behavior future, while reinforcement makes the behavior likely to occure likely to ocur in the likely to occure in the future A. more; less B. less; more C. less; equally D. equally; less 26. Mandisa always picked up her infant daughter when she screamed because she couldn't have the toy she wanted. As a result, her daughter screams doesn't get her way. In this case, picking up the infant served as a(n) screaming...