
Please help with this function i'm having trouble with: must be written in c++ All of...

Please help with this function i'm having trouble with: must be written in c++ All of the functions you must write take at least two parameters: an array of strings, and the number of items the function will consider in the array, starting from the beginning. Your implementations must not use any global variables whose values may be changed during execution. Your program must build successfully under both Visual C++ and either clang++ or g++. Your program must not use any function templates from the algorithms portion of the Standard C++ library int makeMerger(const string a1[], int n1, const string a2[], int n2, string result[], int max); If a1 has n1 elements in nondecreasing order, and a2 has n2 elements in nondecreasing order, place in result all the elements of a1 and a2, arranged in nondecreasing order, and return the number of elements so placed. Return −1 if the result would have more than max elements or if a1 and/or a2 are not in nondecreasing order. (Note: nondecreasing order means that no item is > the one that follows it.) Here's an example: string x[5] = { "cersei", "jon", "margaery", "samwell", "sansa" }; string y[4] = { "daenerys", "jon", "jon", "tyrion" }; string z[20]; int n = makeMerger(x, 5, y, 4, z, 20); // returns 9 // z has cersei daenerys jon jon jon margaery samwell sansa tyrion

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Answer #1

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int check_nonDec( string A[],int N)
for(int i=0;i<N-1;i++)
return 1;
return 0;

int makeMerger( string a1[], int n1, string a2[], int n2, string result[], int max)
if(check_nonDec(a1,n1) || check_nonDec(a2,n2) || max<(n1+n2))
return -1;
int i=0,j=0;
int k=0;
if(i==n1 && j<n2)
if(i<n1 && j==n2)
if(i<n1 && j<n2)
if(a1[i]<a2[j] )
return n1+n2;
int main()
cout<<"enter no of elements for a1"<<endl;
int N1;
string a1[N1];
cout<<"enter no of elements for a2"<<endl;
int N2;
string a2[N2];
cout<<"enter a1 and a2 resp."<<endl;
int non_decreasing=1;
for(int i=0;i<N1;i++)
for(int i=0;i<N2;i++)
int N3;
cout<<"enter no of elements for z"<<endl;
string z[N3];
cout<<"z array contains"<<N3<<" elements"<< endl;
for(int i=0;i<N3;i++)
cout<<z[i]<<" ";
cout<<"z doesn't have anything.result is "<< N3<<endl;


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