I'm working on Graph implementation in Java. I can't figure out why the method isConnected() using Breadth-first traversal doesn't work. It always returns false, and its count is always zero. Could I get a piece of advice?
public boolean isConnected()
if (isEmpty())
return false;
Iterator<T> traversal = iteratorBFS(0);
int count = 0;
while (traversal.hasNext())
return (count == numVertices);
As many functions are not explained what I am thinking is you are using count variable to keep a count of number of components of graph and if the graph is connected then your function will never go in the while loop and your count++ will never get executed.
If you have any doubts,please paste the full code in the comments and UPVOTE THIS ANSWER
I'm working on Graph implementation in Java. I can't figure out why the method isConnected() using...
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class). When I write to the file this is what I get.
Instead of the desired
That I get to my counsel. I am
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