The following simultaneous-move game is with two players. The payoff of player i=1,2 is ui(si,sj)=si(1-si+1asj), where is is a strategy of player i and sj is a strategy of player j. a is between 0 and 1. strategies are non-negative real numbers. What is the best response function of player i and equilibrium strategy?
The following simultaneous-move game is with two players. The payoff of player i=1,2 is ui(si,sj)=si(1-si+1asj), where...
In a simultaneous move game, both players make their strategy choices at the same time. In a sequential move game, one player chooses his strategy first, and then seeing the move that the first player made, the second player chooses her strategy. Hence, in sequential game player is better informed and will act accordingly, than in simultaneous move game where he faces risk between different strategies.
Check my work In a two-player, one-shot simultaneous-move game each player can choose strategy A or strategy B. If both players choose strategy A, each earns a choose strategy B, each earns a payoff of $200. If player 1 chooses strategy A and player 2 chooses strategy B, then player 1 earns $100 and player 2 earns $600. If player 1 chooses strategy Band player 2 chooses strategy A, then player 1 earns $600 and player 2 earns $100. payoff...
4) (20 points) Consider the following two player simultaneous move game which is another version of the Battle of the Sexes game. Bob Opera Alice 4,1 Opera Football Football 0,0 1,4 0,0 Suppose Alice plays a p - mix in which she plays Opera with probability p and Football with probability (1 – p) and Bob plays a q- mix in which he plays Opera with probability q and Football with probability (1 – 9). a) Find the mixed strategy...
Player I and Player 2 compete in the simultaneous game illustrated by the normal form game below Playoffs listed (Player 1, Player 2). Player 2 Middle Right High Medium OW Player I 8. 2 2.8 3.6 16, 7 What strategy is Player 1 playing in this game's equilibrium? a. High b. Mediunm c. Low What strategy is Player 2 playing in this game's equilibrium? a. Left b. Middle c. Right True or False: There exists a non-equilibrium intersection of strategies...
In a two-player, one-shot simultaneous-move game each player can choose strategy A or strategy B. If both players choose strategy A, each earns a payoff of $18. If both players choose strategy B, each earns a payoff of $28. If player 1 chooses strategy A and player 2 chooses strategy B, then player 1 earns $62 and player 2 earns $13. If player 1 chooses strategy B and player 2 chooses strategy A, then player 1 earns $13 and player...
Compute the Nash equilibria of the following location game. There are two people who simultaneously select numbers between zero and one. Suppose player 1 chooses s1 and player 2 chooses s2 . If si < sj , then player i gets a payoff of (si + sj )>2 and player j obtains 1 − (si + sj )>2, for i = 1, 2. If s1 = s2 , then both players get a payoff of 1>2. Please make sure to...
1. Assume two players (ie. Florent and Bernard) compete in a one-shot simultaneous move game. Florent can choose up or down, whereas Bernard can choose left, middle or right. Assume the following payoff matrix Bernard Florent Up 6,8 3,2 Down 3.2 4.4 Payoff: (Florent, Bernard) a) Identify the dominant strategy equilibrium(s), if any. (3 marks) b) Identify the Nash equilibrium(s), if any. (3 marks) c) If the players could sign a binding contract as to the actions of each player,...
Q2 Contribution Game Consider the following game. There are four players. Each player i (wherei 1,2,3,4) si multaneously and independently selects her contribution s E [0, 10]. Each player gets a benefit related to all of the players choices of s,'s, but incurs a cost related to her own contribution s In particular, the payoff to each player i is given by: ul (s1 , s2, s3, s.) = si + s2 + s3 + 84-0.5s (a) Find best response...
Use the following payoff matrix for a simultaneous-move one-shot
game to answer the accompanying questions.
What is player 1’s optimal strategy?
Player 1 does not have an optimal strategy.
Strategy A.
Strategy B.
b. Determine player 1’s equilibrium payoff.
Strategy C 15,7 8,12 Player 2 D E 10, 11 19.15 19,7 12,3 1 F 18.20 15, 16 Player 1
Use the following payoff matrix for a simultaneous move one shot game to answer the following questions Player 2 Strategy C D E F player 1 A 6, 14 7, 11 18, 20 10, 19 B 12, 5 15, 1 7, 25 16, 17 Does player 1 have a dominant strategy? If yes, what is it? If no, why not? Does player 2 have a dominant strategy? If yes, what is it? If no, why not? Does this game have...