In activity 1, a function will accept an input string composed of a command and a parameter. The function will extract the command and convert the parameter into an integer. The conversion of the string to an integer can be done using atoi()- alphanumeric to integer. stdlib.h needs to be included. Note that the parameter characters, e.g., “10”, need to be extracted from the input string, assign to an array, and fed to atoi().
Write a function that accepts an input command and extracts the command and its parameter. Based on the prototype below, cmd and params variables will have the command and parameter, respectively. Display command and parameter in the main function.
Input: Move 100
Command: Move
Parameter: 100
void my_func(char *str1,char *cmd, int *params)
void main(void){
char str[20]={};
char command[10] = {};
int parameter;
printf("Enter command and parameters :");
my_func(str, command, ¶meter);
} //End main
void my_func(char *str1,char *cmd, int *params) {
} //End my_func
If you have any doubts, please give me comment...
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void my_func(char *str1, char *cmd, int *params);
void main(void)
char str[20] = {};
char command[10] = {};
int parameter;
printf("Enter command and parameters :");
my_func(str, command, ¶meter);
printf("Command: %s\nParameter: %d\n", command, parameter);
} //End main
void my_func(char *str1, char *cmd, int *params)
char *token = strtok(str1, " ");
strcpy(cmd, token);
*params = atoi(strtok(NULL, " "));
} //End my_func
C-programming In activity 1, a function will accept an input string composed of a command and...
In C programming Write the implementation for the three functions described below. The functions are called from the provided main function. You may need to define additional “helper” functions to solve the problem efficiently. Write a print_string function that prints the characters in a string to screen on- by-one. Write a is_identical function that compares if two strings are identical. The functions is required to be case insensitive. Return 0 if the two strings are not identical and 1 if...
USE C programming (pls label which file is libcipher.h and libcipher.c) Q4) A shift cipher is one of the simplest encryption techniques in the field of cryptography. It is a cipher in which each letter in a plain text message is replaced by a letter some fixed number of positions up the alphabet (i.e., by right shifting the alphabetic characters in the plain text message). For example, with a right shift of 2, ’A’ is replaced by ’C’, ’B’ is...
Write a function that can return the length of a string in C language. Please leave comments to explain the code and verify that it runs properly... Example: Input String: China The length of the string is 5. #include <stdio.h> int length(char * p) { /write your code here } main(){ int len; char str[20]; printf("Input string:"); scanf("%s", str); len = length(str); printf("The length of string is %d. ", len); getchar(); ...
2. Pointer arithmetic: a) Write a printString function that prints a string (char-by-char) using pointer arithmetics and dereferencing. b) Write a function “void computeMinMax(double arr[], int length, double * min, double * max)” that finds the minimum and the maximum values in an array and stores the result in min and max. You are only allowed to use a single for loop in the function (no while loops). Find both the min and the max using the same for loop....
Write C programs named mystring.h and mystring.c, containing the headers and implementations of the following functions. int letter_count(char *s) computes and returns the number of English letters in string s. int word_count(char *s) computes and returns the number of words in string s. void lower_case(char *s) changes upper case to lower case of string s. void trim(char *s) removes the unnecessary empty spaces of string s. mystring.h #include <stdio.h> int letter_count(char *); void lower_case(char *); int word_count(char *); void trim(char...
If you already answer this question, please skip, thanks C Programming. Fill in ... This program will be called with one command line argument that contains a string followed by an asterisk and an integer. Print out the string as many time as indicated by the integer. For example, when called as prog Hi*3, you print HiHiHi. Hint: Look for the '*' starting from the back of the string. len = strlen(arg) gives you the string length. When you have...
C programming Write the implementation for the three functions described below. The functions are called from the provided main function. You may need to define additional “helper” functions to solve the problem efficiently. a) Write a print_string function that prints the characters in a string to screen on- by-one. b) Write a is_identical function that compares if two strings are identical. The functions is required to be case insensitive. Return 0 if the two strings are not identical and 1...
write C code that uses pointers, arrays, and C strings. 3. Write a function called pow_xy. The function should be passed 2 parameters, as illustrated in the prototype below. int pow_xy(int *xptr, int y); Assuming that xptr contains the address of variable x, pow_xy should compute x to the y power, and store the result as the new value of x. The function should also return the result. Do not use the built-in C function pow. For the remaining problems,...
I need help programming this question using C language. This program uses input data entered in command line at the same time when the command or .exe file is entered. They are called command-line arguments. Because everything entered in command line is taken as a string, these arguments including the command itself or the .exe file name are stored in an array of char pointers, each pointer points to the first character of a string (i.e., argument). The inputs can...
Question:Many files on our computers, such as executables and many music and video files, are binary files (in contrast to text files). The bytes in these files must be interpreted in ways that depend on the file format. In this exercise, we write a program data-extract to extract integers from a file and save them to an output file. The format of the binary files in this exercise is very simple. The file stores n integers (of type int). Each...