If a database table is viewed as a class then what would be an instance of that class?
If a database table is viewed as a class then what would be an instance of...
DATABASE SYSTEMS CLASS: 1. You have a table that contains the following fields: MemberLastName, MemberFirstName, Street, City, State, PostalCode, and MembershipFee. There are 75,000 records in the table. What indexes would you create for the table, and why would you create these indexes?
Consider a class Plane with 3 subclasses: Glider, PropPlane and Jet. What instance data would you think of putting in Plane and what would belong in the subclasses? You are not required to write any java code for this question unless you feel it helps illustrate your take Consider a class Plane with 3 subclasses: Glider, PropPlane and Jet. What instance data would you think of putting in Plane and what would belong in the subclasses? You are not required...
2.How is a class similar to a database table? How is it different? How do these similarities and differences justify the need for class models and for data models? Or do they?
What we would call a row in a spreadsheet, we refer to in a database table as ______ Select one: a. A data type b. An attribute c. A record d. A relation
What is the purpose of a class constructor? 1. To provide access to an instance variable 2. To initialize the instance variables 3. To invoke a class method 4. To calculate return values for the class 5. To provide client code for the class
An instance of the class ArrayBag has a fixed size, whereas an instance of ResizableArrayBag does not. Discuss and give at least two examples of situations where a bag would be appropriate if its size is: a. Fixed; b. Resizable.
database management What command(s) would you use to get rid of the TripGuides table? [Show the SQL Server instruction, but do not execute it]
Indicate if each is a reference or value type: instance of a Point class instance of a Location struct an integer a boolean String
Create a Ruby class Book1. Each book is characterized by the instance variables authnr rf t class . For this class create the initializer and the method show1 that displays the instance variables of the Bookl. class Create the class Book2 that inherits properties from the class Bookl and ad variables publisher and price. Write the following Book2 methods e read2 that prompts the user and reads from the keyboard all data for Book e show2 that displays all instance...
Database question: Assume we have an instance of R(A, B, C) as given in the following table: Let R1 be a relation which is a PROJECTION of R on A and B (i.e, containing only columns A and B in R). R2 be a relation which is PROJECTION of R on A and C (i.e, containing only columns A and C in R), and R3 be a relation which is a PROJECTION of R on B (i.e, containing only column...