If you want to store multiple bits ,we use fliplops.the group of flip-flops are used to store the data is known as register.
the register which is capable of shifting bits either right hand side or left hand side is known as shift register.If 'N' shift registers are present then it hava 'N' flip-flops.
4 types of shift registers are present
1.Serial In − Serial Out shift register
if N bit data is present then it requires 2N-1 clock pulses.
2(32)-1=63 clock pulses required
2.Serial In − Parallel Out shift register
if N bit data is present then it requires N clock pulses.
32 clock pulses required
3.Parallel In − Serial Out shift register
if N bit data is present then it requires N-1 clock pulses .
32-1=31 clock pulses required
4.Parallel In − Parallel Out shift register
It does not require any clock pulses to transmit data.
How many clock pulses will it take to transmit a 32- bit data value across a...
A 32-bit data item is to be sent over a 8-bit data bus. How many buses are required to complete the operation?
17. The 74195 in Figure 17 is a synchronous load, 4-bit parallel-access shift register. For this exercise, the input data is loaded at the first active clock edge. (12 pts) 74195 DSTM2 SH/LD QB 13 QC QD DSTMI 10t CLK ㅡㅡㅡ CLR Figure 17 Use the circuit of Figure 17 to answer the following questions: a. Is this a ring counter or a Johnson counter? (2 pts) b. How many different states are available? (2 pts) Draw the timing diagram...
How many clock cycles does the following code take li $t2, -32 lw $t1, 0($t5) div $t1, $t1, $t2 sw $t1, 0($t5)
17. The 74195 in Figure 17 is a synchronous load, 4-bit parallel-access shift register. For this exercise, the input data is loaded at the first active clock edge. (12 pts) 74195 DSTM2 SH/LD 2 15 QC DSTMI 10 CLK CLR Figure 17 Use the circuit of Figure 17 to answer the following questions: a. Is this a ring counter or a Johnson counter? (2 pts) b. How many different states are available? (2 pts) Draw the timing diagram (four clock...
in easy68k or 68000 6. Suppose that an MC68681 is configured to transmit and receive data at 1200 baud, with 7 data bits, odd parity, and 1 stop bit. How long does it take to fully transmit or receive a character? How long would it take to transmit 1024 characters?
Consider the following hypothetical microprocessor. Assume this processor uses a 32-bit address and 32-bit data bus. Consider a 4-bit I/O port number. How many 16-bit I/O ports can be supported?
It takes one clock cycle to perform an addition operation in the 4-bit ripple-carry adder. How many clock cycles will it take for one addition instruction to be executed in a 64-bit ripple-carry adder? clock cycles The circuit below should be familiar to you, even though it is in a slightly different configuration from the lecture. What does the circuit do? What are the inputs? What results are expected at X and at Y? 999
1. Fill in the blanks to configure the SCII module of HCS12 with the following settings 14400 baud (Bus clock is 24 MHz) SCI enabled in wait mode One start bit, 8 data bits, one stop bit Enable transmit and receive Enable TDRE (TX data register empty) interrupt Enable RDRF (RX data register full) interrupt No loop back Enablc parity checking and use odd parity ; ; 14400 baud SCI enabled in wait mode; enable parity and use odd parity...
2) a) How many 6.25-4F capacitors connected in parallel would it take to store a total charge of 1.05 mC if the potential difference across each capacitor is 10.5 V? (Round your answer to the nearest whole number.) b) If the capacitors in Part a) are discharged, connected in series, and then energized until the potential difference across each is equal to 10.5 V, find the charge on each capacitor and the potential difference across the connection.
How much time does it take for a 16 bit timer to issue an interrupt (fill-up) . it is being driven by a: a. 10 MHz clock b. 8 MHz clock c. 4 MHz clock How much time does it take for a 16 bit timer to issue an interrupt (fill-up) . it is being driven by a: a. 10 MHz clock b. 8 MHz clock c. 4 MHz clock