
Did you notice ways in which evolved lizard groups were more organized than designer lizard group?...

Did you notice ways in which evolved lizard groups were more organized than designer lizard group? Try to describe the nature of this organization.

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Yes I have noticed different ways by which evolved lizard groups we're more organised than designer lizard group. Independent creation is the evolutionary force which leads to designer lizard and modification from common descent is the evolutionary force for organised lizards group.

As trait of designer lizard is coming from independently instead of descent with modification from common ancestor. So some of the lizard has totally different trait than other and dome trait matches with organised lizard. A lizard with stripes is the best example of designer trait which is rarely found any other organised group. Lizard with dewlaps are found in both designer and organiser lizard.

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Did you notice ways in which evolved lizard groups were more organized than designer lizard group?...
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