
After World War II, the allele frequency for brown eyes was B=0.4 and blue eyes b=0.6...

After World War II, the allele frequency for brown eyes was B=0.4 and blue eyes b=0.6

The phenotype frequency in the US currently is brown = B 83% and blue b=17%

Has the US population evolved with respect to eye color?

Please help me understand what this question is asking? Do I need to use the Weinberg equation if so, please solve so I can see how to explain the answer?

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Answer #1

​​​The question is asking for whether any evolution is occurred or not in US in the present days from the world war II

Yes, you should use Hardy-Weinberg law to calculate the allelic as well as genotypic frequency to test the occurrence of any evolution for a particular trait.

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After World War II, the allele frequency for brown eyes was B=0.4 and blue eyes b=0.6...
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