
George is a 63-year old electrician. Recently, he had a scare when he was diagnosed with...

George is a 63-year old electrician. Recently, he had a scare when he was diagnosed with a mild heart attack. Following a check-up visit with the doctor, it was recommended that he increase his exercise and physical activity as a means to strengthen his cardiac health. George is largely sedentary and has not followed a formal exercise program in decades. He notes that exercise is just not for him and something he has never considered. Given his age, sedentary lifestyle, and recent heart attack, he has very little stamina and does not view exercise as something he wants to do. At the same time, he mentions that the heart attack scared him and he is open to thinking about exercise as a preventative measure. That said, he doesn’t know where to start and has limited self-efficacy that he can maintain a program long-term.

When you ask him about his social support system he talks about his wife, children, and grandchildren. While he and his wife are sedentary, his two children are regular runners and his four grandchildren are involved in youth sports. Before getting started with George, you decide to have him complete some measurements to better understand his motivation.

Using self-determination theory you find that he is extrinsically motivated (identified regulation) for physical activity and has low perceived competence, moderate perceived autonomy, and moderate perceived relatedness towards physical activity.

Using ideas from self-determination theory outline three strategies that target psychological or motivational mediators of change. The strategies need to be clear and actionable (e.g., “improve competence” is not an actionable strategy, you need to state how you will specifically target this construct). For each strategy, you must explicitly state what mediator you are targeting, how this mediator is being targeted, what the expected result will be, and your overall rationale behind the strategy.

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Answer #1

Introduction- The self-determination theory is a kind of macro theory developed to increase the level of motivation in an individual, it helps a person to manipulate ideas in a particular manner. It believes that every person is motivated to grow and change.

Here we will discuss some measure that could be helpful for George,

  • A counselor should motivate him to participate in family activities, an indirect way of exercise is also helpful. He could play with grandchildren as well as train them.
  • George is much concerned about the benefits of physical activities but not willing to participate directly so psychologist should help him to motivate to participate in housework such as gardening, house cleaning, etc.
  • The age and lifestyle of George do not allow him to do any hard exercise but sets off a soft exercise, active life and positive behavior towards a healthy life would be more effective for him.

In my opinion, physical activity demands a routine life rather than any motivation, every person in innately motivate to live a healthy life but some situations create obstacles such as lack of companion, easy life, passive lifestyle and lack of physical activities. A good life is possible without any special efforts or motivation, we just need to participate in social work, house maintenance, etc. it would be helpful to maintain good physical and psychological health.

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George is a 63-year old electrician. Recently, he had a scare when he was diagnosed with...
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