1. Consider a large software development effort that ramps up to include 50 developers working on various components. Assume that this project is being managed with a large scale version of SCRUM. Describe how the SCRUM teams would be organized and how they would coordinate. Would the large size require more documentation than is typically required for a SCRUM development effort? What other challenges do you think this effort would face due to its large size? 2. Imagine that a development team is working on a SCRUM project was required to support two or more members who worked from, possibly in different timezones. What sorts of technologies or techniques would you recommend for maintaining the level of communication that is usually critical to the success of a SCRUM team? What challenges do you think this development team would face due to this situation?
1) Though the software development is large in size, the project will follow agile methodology . So the project will be split into sprints .Each sprint will have minimal documentation effort related to product backlogs which can be explained related to
User Stories will be explained as small sentences in the format As a < user role > I want < objective or goal> so that < some benefit > , which will be small document
Use cases
use case diagrams can be developed with minimal effort explaining the user interaction with the system which ever necessary to the user stories related to a sprint
Schema Diagrams
Conceptual schema , relational schema diagrams can be added to the document specific to a sprint is enough
Other challenges
Whatever may be the large project , SCRUM follows the agile methodology basically , so challenges will be minimal as every deliverable will be released in a sprint once declared as "DONE " , which means the component is ready for production as it is tested .
Main challenge will be related components delivered in various sprints need not have any regression issues . So the application architectural design must be robust and scalable and tested in multi tier . Cloud computing in terms of virtual servers and deployment will be needed which will challenging in terms of cost
2. Co-location is the best solution for a project to be successful minimizing the risk of communication misunderstanding and communication delay due to resource availability in different time zones But since the project needs support of some team members working in different time zones.
Effective communication management plan has to be developed where
we have to identify the key stakeholders of the project and categorize them based on the priority of communication they needs which will be critical to every stage an part of the project as whole and for every sprint , which is the basis for the communication planning.
We have to identify the communication technologies , models and methods which should be specific to interactive communication , broadcast type communication depending on the urgency and priority . The following tools will be the communication methods which should consider the urgency, delivery methods and level of confidentiality
Hard copy documents for co located members such as letters , printout guidelines or requirement documents
Electronic communications using , encrypted emails, fax, phone , online chat tools supporting text, document, multi media attachments . video conferencing .
Online Project Management tools for task allocations per sprint per member to track work progress status of the sprint in day to day basis by the management who may be in different time zones or locations
Online documentation tools for documents, diagrams preparation and sharing to reviewers
Online daily scrum meetings
Challenges for the members working in different time zones
1. Consider a large software development effort that ramps up to include 50 developers working on...
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