1. Describe the functions of the following reagents in extraction of DNA from corn meal: proteina...
Carolina Savirana Craz 3/12/20 GECC-Polymerase Chain Reaction 1. What is the purpose of the polymerase chain reaction? a. To repair damaged DNA b. To make copies of entire chromosomes c. To make copies of specific regions of DNA d. To prepare cells for cell division 2. The polymerase chain reaction is most comparable to what cellular process? a. Mitosis b. Replication c. Transcription d. Translation 3. When enzymes are elongating (building) a newly synthesized DNA strand in PCR, new nucleotides...
solve for gel preparation and PCR mastermix calculations with steps for understanding TBE Buffer Calculations Determine the mass of the following reagents for a 10X stock 700mM of Tris Base (157g/mol) 887mM of Boric Acid (62g/mol) 25.7mM of EDTA (292g/mol) Dissolve in 750ml of DIH.O and bring to volume (IL) Calculate the dilution of your 10x stock for a 1X working stock. Remember you only need IL of working stock for a single experiment. Gel Preparation Calculations You need to...
Now. you should be able to answer the following questions: • How the amplification will be done? - How you will determine your target sequence? How the amplification will be specific for certain segment? What are the requirements to carry PCR? • Suppose you perform a PCR that begins with one double-strand of the following DNA template: +5'-CTACCTGCGGGTTGACTGCTACCTTCCCGGGATGCCCAAAATTCTCGAG-3+ +3'-GATGGACGCCCAACTGACGATGGAAGGGCCCTACGGGTTTTAAGAGCTC-5'+ A. Draw one cycle of PCR reaction below the following diagram. B. Label the template DNA, the primers, and what is...
En (2 points) You isolated your mitochondrial DNA in Part I. In step 6, you discard the supernatant, but keep the pellet. In step 15, you discard the pellet, but keep the supernatant. Explain why the pattern is different between the two steps and the consequence of mixing up these two steps. Procedure Part 1: mt DNA Isolation from your cheek cells. Lysis solution is used to breakdown the cells in this step, you will isolate MEONA from cheek cells....
For part 1 of this lab) I collected a soil sample from my campus Part 2) Tested bacteria initial viability Part 3) DNA extraction Part 4) DNA quantification by Nanodrop Part 5) Sample sequencing Part 6) PCR amplification Part 7) Gel electrophoresis Part 8) DNA sequence data analysis (sent sample to another lab) Directions for Part 3 DNA extraction are in the attached image QUESTIONS REGARDING PART 3 (DNA extraction) 1) What type of conclusions can be made from initially...
of a defective gene c) introduction of a foreign gene (e g. from another species) d) e) None of the above 35. Which is NOT true about Gel electrophoresis: a) It is used to separate proteins as part of a Westem Blot Analysis b) It is used to separate DNA as part of a Southern Blot Analyss It is used to separate RNA as part of a Northern Blot Analysis It is used to separate restriction fragments in DNA e)...
CASE ANALYSIS OF MONSANTO COMPANY: Give the following: 1. Central Problem 2. SWOC 3. ACAS (3 alternative courses of action) 4. RECOMMENDATION (choose the best ACA) 5. CONCLUSION MONSANTO COMPANY When you think of Monsanto, the phrase genetically modified likely comes to mind. The Monsanto Company is the world’s largest seed company, with sales of over $11.8 billion. It specializes in biotechnology, or the genetic manipulation of organisms. Monsanto scientists have spent the last few decades modifying crops, often by...