
.Assume: We are using a CPU12 as a coffee maker controller. An ADC provides the temperature of the water in °C at memory loca

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Answer #1

Answer :- The CPU12 assembly code can be written as-

Loop_Main : ; label named as Loop_Main

LDAA $0067 ; register A = temperature value from ADC

LDAB #$5A ; register B = 0x5A = 90

CBA ; compare A and B register value

BLT Make_ON ; if temperature less than 900, goto label named as Make_ON

LDAB #$64 ; register B = 0x64 = 100

CBA ; compare A and B register value

BGE Make_OFF ; if temperature greater than equal to1000, goto label named as Make_OFF

JMP Loop_Main ; do infinite looping of this code

Make_ON : ; label named as Make_ON

LDAA #$01 ; register A = 0x01

STAA $0068 ; write the value in memory location 0x0068 to make machine ON

JMP Loop_main ; go to label named as Loop_main

Make_OFF : ; label named as Make_OFF

LDAA #$00 ; register A = 0x00

STAA $0068 ; write the value in memory location 0x0068 to make machine OFF

JMP Loop_main ; go to label named as Loop_main

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.Assume: We are using a CPU12 as a coffee maker controller. An ADC provides the temperature of the water in °C at memory location $0067. Writing $01 to memory location $0068 turns the coffee maker he...
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