
1. Let Rn = = {ver 1.5251+} for each positive integer n. Formally justify your answers (a picture is not a justification). Pr

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Given that Ru ={x6R17 ene 14 t } where his positive integer RI = {ZERI 15. x{1+1} = [1,2 R2= {NERI I Ene 1+1/2} = [₂ ? ] Rg =m (a) U Rn nel = RIU R₂ UR3U- ... Urm - [2] [3] [ 3 ] - -U[= =] [m, 2 UO. - SRI ****23 na (6) - R. NR NRO.... nam = [1, 2] [

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1. Let Rn = = {ver 1.5251+} for each positive integer n. Formally justify your answers...
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