1. (Integers: primes, divisibility, parity.) (a) Let n be a positive integer. Prove that two numbers...
6. Let n be any positive integer which n = pq for distinct odd primes p. q for each i, jE{p, q} Let a be an integer with gcd(n, a) 1 which a 1 (modj) Determine r such that a(n) (mod n) and prove your answer.
please answer questions #7-13
7. Use a direct proof to show every odd integer is the difference of two squares. [Hint: Find the difference of squares ofk+1 and k where k is a positive integer. Prove or disprove that the products of two irrational numbers is irrational. Use proof by contraposition to show that ifx ty 22 where x and y are real numbers then x 21ory 21 8. 9. 10. Prove that if n is an integer and 3n...
For Exercises 1-15, prove or disprove the given
1. The product of any three consecutive integers is even.
2. The sum of any three consecutive integers is
3. The product of an integer and its square is
4. The sum of an integer and its cube is even.
5. Any positive integer can be written as the sum of
the squares of two integers.
6. For a positive integer
7. For every prime number n, n +...
I randomly pick two integers from 1 to n without replacement (n a positive integer). Let X be the maximum of the two numbers. (a) Find the probability mass function of X. (b) Find E(X) and simplify as much as possible (use formulas for the sum and sum of squares of the first n integers which you can find online).
PROOFS: Use these theorems and others to prove these statements. Theorem 1: The sum of two rational numbers is rational. Theorem 2: The product of two rational numbers is rational. Theorem 3: √ 2 is irrational. Induction: Prove that 6 divides n 3 − n for any n ≥ 0 Use strong induction to prove that every positive integer n can be written as the sum of distinct powers of 2. That is, prove that there exists a set of...
Prove: Let k be a positive integer, and set n :=2k-1(2k – 1). Then (2k+1 – 1)2 = 8n +1 Prove: Let n be a positive integer, and let s and t be integers. Show that Hire (st) = n(s) in (t) mod n.
1) Let n and m be positive integers. Prove: If nm is not divisible by an integer k, then neither n norm is divisible by k. Prove by proving the contrapositive of the statement. Contrapositive of the statement:_ Proof: Direct proof of the contrapositive
let n be a positive integer and let
x1,...,xn be real numbers. Prove that (
n(x12+ x22 +...+
number thoery
just need 2 answered
2. Let n be a positive integer. Denote the number of positive integers less than n and rela- tively prime to n by p(n). Let a, b be positive integers such that ged(a,n) god(b,n)-1 Consider the set s, = {(a), (ba), (ba), ) (see Prollern 1). Let s-A]. Show that slp(n). 1. Let a, b, c, and n be positive integers such that gcd(a, n) = gcd(b, n) = gcd(c, n) = 1 If...
For an integer n > 0, consider the positive integer F. = 22 +1. (a) Use induction to prove that F. ends in digit 7 whenever n 2 is an integer (b) Use induction to prove that F= 2 + IT- Fholds for all neN. (c) Use (b) to prove that ged(F, F.) = 1 holds for all distinct nonnegative integers m, na (d) Use (e) to give a quick proof that there must be infinitely many primes! That is...