
Design a circuit to add two 2-bit binary numbers and display the results of the addition...

Design a circuit to add two 2-bit binary numbers and display the results of the addition as a 3-bit binary number, with the most significant bit be the carry out. To do this, you will use the four switches on your Breadboard Companion as your two 2-bit number inputs. Three of your LEDs will be used to represent the 3-bit output of your circuit. Complete a truth table for the expected output values on the lab data sheet attached.

Use Karnaugh maps or other techniques to simplify the Boolean functions for the outputs, and design realizations of the circuit using

  1. AND, OR, and NOT gates.

Create a schematic for each of the three circuits in Logisim. Identify the needed chip and pin numbers for each of your three logic circuits, using chips we have available in lab. Include your Karnaugh map simplifications (or your step by step simplifications) as part of your pre-lab.

***Please design or draw out the circuit for AND,OR,NOT gates and label the appropriate pins for each gate.

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Design a circuit to add two 2-bit binary numbers and display the results of the addition...
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