
M4 | Chemistry of Behavior 1.What are the risks of smoking cigarettes and what chemicals within...

M4 | Chemistry of Behavior

1.What are the risks of smoking cigarettes and what chemicals within the cigarettes lead people to smoke them?

2.What benefits do e-cigarettes offer?

3.If e-cigarettes offer a different source of nicotine, but still provide that addictive chemical, it is ethical to sell them to adults? What about to children?

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Answer #1

1. Cigarettes smoking causes various disorders of lungs. It damages our airways. Emphysema and chronic bronchitis are some of the major problems which are caused by cigarette smoking. It may also cause fatal diseases like lung cancer.

Nicotine is the chemical which inspires many people to smoke. It basically activates the brain receptors. These activated brain receptors causes release of dopamine. This release of dopamine causes a good feeling. This lead to development of smoking habit.

2. E-cigarette claims to bypass those harmful actions which take place mainly due to tobacco smoking. These can potentially reduce the harm caused by nicotine intake. It can also help many chain smokers to quit smoking.

3. E-cigarettes are basically battery operated devices. These cause heating of a liquid into aerosol. That aerosol is being inhaled and exhaled by the user. Various chemicals remain present in these e-cigarettes.

These chemicals are Nicotine, propylene glycol, glycerine and various types of flavorings. This e-cigarette contains lesser toxins as compared to traditional cigarette. These e-cigarettes contain harmful chemicals but in much lesser amount.

In my views, these are better options for smokers. It still contains harmful chemicals and can cause harm to other people (who are non smokers) through passive process. Their public usage should be prohibited completely.

These should also not be sold to children. Smoking in public should be banned through strict laws.

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