Different types of BIOLOGICAL EVOLUTION occur on the level of POPULATION, such as mutation, natural selection, genetic drift etc.
Here we discuss the MUTATION.
What is mutation?
Mutation: A change in gene structure and often function; change in the nucleotide sequence of genetic material whether by substitution, duplication, insertion, deletion or inversion.
A further important attribute of populations is mutation, due the mutation of gene sometime population subdivided into demes.
Name and describe one mechanism of BIOLOGICAL EVOLUTION that can occur on the level of a...
2. The concepts of biological evolution can be explained using examples explored in community ecology. Provide one such example and explain how evolution applies to that concept.
2. The concepts of biological evolution can be explained using examples explored in community ecology. Provide one such example and explain how evolution applies to that concept.
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1. Outline the various types of evidence for biological evolution, supporting you answer with specific examples. 2. Clearly and formally outline the logic of the process of natural selection. Frame your answer in general terms applicable to any species (rather than in the style of a "parable" as in "Fast rabbits evolved because..."). Think about the logic of the proces as expressed by Darwin in On the Origin of Species and be sure to give example of ecological factors that...
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Describe mechanisms that biological systems use so that opposing reactions don’t occur at the same time.
Describe one physical, chemical, biological or psycho-social stress hazard that workers can be exposed to on the job, and one strategy that can be implemented to prevent or reduce the exposure. Why is it important for primary healthcare providers, (physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants) to ask patients about their occupation when performing routine physical exams?
Hydrogen peroxide (or more specifically, the peroxide ion) has been identified as playing multiple significant biological roles at the cellular level. Describe any one of them.