
Describe the historical relationship between atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide and global temperature; summarize the evidence...

Describe the historical relationship between atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide and global temperature; summarize the evidence that modern increases in atmospherics concentration of carbon dioxide are related to the burning of fossil fuels, as well outline the projected environmental effects of global warming.

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Answer #1


In the early time period the difference between the carbon di oxide released and consumed was not much as the carbon di oxide was released by the living organisms like humans and animals whereas it was used up by the plants and trees for the process of photosynthesis.

The fossil fuels were not burned in large amount so carbon di oxide was released in very less amount from the same. There were very few vehicles which consumed fuels so the release of carbon di oxide was less in the environment from such sources.

Due to these reasons the temperature of the environment was less. The ozone layer was not much depleted. Hence, temperature was not high.

In modern days carbon di oxide is released in the environment from every next source be it from respiration of animals and human beings or from the burning of fossil fuels. Deforestation is one of the main reasons for global warming and increase of carbon di oxide in the environment. The vehicles release poisonous gases in the environment which includes carbon di oxide and other gases.

Global warming is increasing day by day due to release of harmful gases such as carbon di oxide methane CFCs (Chloro Fluoro Carbons) etc. The depletion of ozone layer due to global warming is causing the rise in temperature in the environment.

Hence, one should make judicious use of fossil fuels in order to save the environment from depleting at this high pace.

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Describe the historical relationship between atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide and global temperature; summarize the evidence...
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