
Why does the organization's structure of Netflix aligns with its strategic objectives and workplace culture?

Why does the organization's structure of Netflix aligns with its strategic objectives and workplace culture?

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Answer #1

Netflix follows a very different kind of a leadership style which is the result of its Organization’s structure. Netflix employees believe in clan control. It lacks Bureaucratic Control and Direct supervision as if thrives more upon creating a congenial atmosphere for its employees based on innovation and by making the employee understand about how the business of Netflix works.

Therefore the Organization structure needs to be aligned with its strategic objectives and workplace culture so that the leadership style and the flow of communication & command are in synchronization with that of the strategic goals. Accordingly, this reflects on its Corporate culture and beliefs.

Clan control relies upon the organizational culture where managers help the employees to share values, norms, standards and behavior of the Organization to keep the goals directed and to seek new opportunities in order to manage how organizational members behave. Autocratic leadership style is hence not followed in the Company. Netflix offer reasonable maternity as well as Paternity leave for the employees. It further offers unlimited vacations to keep rejuvenating the employees to work better when at workplace. Thus, the structure is that of Flat organization and the values are reflected upon its Bossless structure and employee-friendly practices.

Together, if all this is not aligned to the strategic objectives and workplace culture, then the long-term survival of the Organization shall be at stake with conflicting interest groups.

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Why does the organization's structure of Netflix aligns with its strategic objectives and workplace culture?
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