
Explain why an employer would restrict an employee’s speech on social media.

Explain why an employer would restrict an employee’s speech on social media.

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Answer #1

Employee misuse of social networking sites can have a potentially costly impact on business. Business leaders have expressed rising concerns about risks such as:

  • Misuse of confidential information (80%)
  • Misrepresenting the views of the business (71%)
  • Inappropriate non-business use (67%)
  • Disparaging remarks about the business or employees (64%)
  • Harassment (64%)

Let us take an example.

For example, your company is launching a new product. The marketing team is finalizing a social media campaign around the launch with messaging approved by the CEO. But before that happens, an excited employee takes to Twitter on their lunch break to post about the product and unknowingly gives away details that the CEO wanted to keep confidential.

There goes all the hard work the marketing team has done, and you’re now scrambling to cover for the employee’s mistake. If you had specific rules for social media in the workplace, a policy, and social media training, the employee would have known not to Tweet about product launches.

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Explain why an employer would restrict an employee’s speech on social media.
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