Explain why an employer would restrict an employee’s speech on social media.
Employee misuse of social networking sites can have a potentially costly impact on business. Business leaders have expressed rising concerns about risks such as:
Let us take an example.
For example, your company is launching a new product. The marketing team is finalizing a social media campaign around the launch with messaging approved by the CEO. But before that happens, an excited employee takes to Twitter on their lunch break to post about the product and unknowingly gives away details that the CEO wanted to keep confidential.
There goes all the hard work the marketing team has done, and you’re now scrambling to cover for the employee’s mistake. If you had specific rules for social media in the workplace, a policy, and social media training, the employee would have known not to Tweet about product launches.
Explain why an employer would restrict an employee’s speech on social media.
What is the role of social media platforms in safeguarding free speech? what are the social media effects on social, environmental, and economic sustainability? Discuss the role of regulation in a rapidly evolving industry
Explain why virtual companies such as Actionaly would need to worry about a new social media website.
LinkedIn: Employees’ Privacy vs. Employer’s Reputation With the growing use of social media, employers need to determine how much they should monitor their employees’ use of social media. An employee may post something that is confidential to the employer or harm the reputation of the employer. If not monitored, and stopped, long term damage can be done to the employer. On the other hand, without probable cause, an employer can be seen as overacting and invading the employee’s personal privacy...
the one social media platform a police department should choose. Explain why this platform is the best for police departments to use.
(Social Media) List and explain some ways social media can assist you in developing your brand strategy. Think about the variety of social media tools available. Which one do you find most useful? Which one would you avoid using, if any?
Using Social Media to Connect with Consumers Select one of the following Social Media and explain in detail three marketing communications advantages of the selected Social Media: Facebook Twitter LinkedIn YouTube Please be as detailed as possible!
What social media tools do you use and why? How do you use social media to support your personal brand? Is there one social media method you prefer over another and why? Include specific examples and screen shots of your social media sites if appropriate.
define and explain speech breathing. In addition, explain why it is important for speech-language pathologists to understand breathing dynamics.
1.How is networking in person different from utilizing Social Media? 2 .How could you use an elevator speech in social media? 3. Why is effective communication essential? 4. Why is proper etiquette important both in person and online?
Social media is a platform that some feel is informal and a way to be "themselves" or the opposite an image they want others to view them as. It is not uncommon for employers to look at social media in background checks. But why? One reason is how one communicates when in a situation that is informal. Some of us share too much information. Some voice their extreme political views while others may even use it as a place to...