
What are the important characteristics of scholarly resources? Why are scholarly sources more appropriate for academic...

What are the important characteristics of scholarly resources? Why are scholarly sources more appropriate for academic research?

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Characteristics of scholarly resources-

1- The scholarly resources are initiated by the people of expertise and reflect their acumen and effort.

2- The experience of these scholars can be observed throughout their work.

3- The tables, statistics, graphs better illustrate the contents.

4- Every facet in the scholarly resources is justified with evidence and appropriate reasons.

5- The abstract and the summary provide the understanding of the whole contents in a nutshell.

6- The research methodology part helps to comprehend the related topic or research problem in detail.

7- Generally, it's peer reviewed and therefore its value increases.

8- The language used is a technical one.

9- There are references mentioned after the concluding part in the scholarly resources.

The above mentioned characteristics of scholarly resources make them more appropriate for academic research.

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What are the important characteristics of scholarly resources? Why are scholarly sources more appropriate for academic...
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