Find an example of an infectious disease for each of the term(s) or concept(s) below.
Give the name of the disease and its causal agent and whether it is viral (V), prion (PR), bacterial (B), fungal (F), protozoan (P), or helminthic (H).
All of the diseases must be infectious diseases.
10. Give an example of each of the following categories of disease relating to occurrence.
a. sporadic
b. endemic to MN
c. epidemic
d. pandemic
e. causes localized outbreaks:
f. an emerging disease
g. a nosocomial disease
11. Give an example of each of the following categories of disease relating to its transmission.
a. Direct contact: droplet
b. vector, and name the vector
c. vehicle: waterborne
d. vehicle: foodborne
e. Vehicle: airborne
f. intimate direct contact
g. direct contact, not intimate
h. often fomite transmission
10.a.Definition of sporadic: occurring occasionally, singly, or in irregular or random instances.Examples of sporadic diseases include tetanus, rabies, and plague. TETANUS-CLOSTRIDIUM TETANI A BACTERIA.
c.EPIDEMIC DEFINITION-a widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community at a particular time."a flu epidemic".
The 10 deadliest epidemics in history
d. pandemic definition-prevalent over a whole country or the world.HIV/AIDS is an example of one of the most destructive global pandemics in history.
g. Nosocomila disease-adisease originating in a hospital. nosocomial infections include: ventilator-associated pneumonia, Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus, Candida albicans, Acinetobacter baumannii, Clostridium difficile, Tuberculosis, Urinary tract infection, Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus and Legionnaires' disease.
11.a.Common cold, Diphtheria, Fifth disease (erythema infectiosum), Influenza, Meningitis, Mycoplasma, Mumps, Pertussis (whooping cough), Plague, Rubella, Strep (strep throat, scarlet fever, pneumonia).-DROPLET INFECTION.
c.Some waterborne pathogenic microorganisms spread by water can cause severe, life-threatening diseases. Examples are typhoid fever, cholera and Hepatitis A or E. Other microorganisms induce less dangerous diseases. Often, diarrhoea is the main symptom.
vehicle that carry and spread disease. |
Food as a vehicle of transmission of cholera |
Find an example of an infectious disease for each of the term(s) or concept(s) below. Give...
86. Which organisms are NOT involved in food fermentations? A) lactic acid bacteria B) sulfuric acid bacteria C) acetic acid bacteria D) propionic acid bacteria 87. The MOST common source of individual foodborne botulism outbreaks are due to consumption of A) honey B] milk/dairy products D) undercooked meat 88. Coliforms in a water sample indicate A) arthropod B) chemical C) fecal D) All of the above. 89. Legionella pneumophila is generally transmitted by A) contaminated food. B) contaminated drinking water....
1.- Concepts: Pathology, Etiology, Pathogen, Pathogenesis, Infection, Disease. 2.- Normal Microbiota - Transient Microbiota. 3.- Opportunists. 4.- Factors that increase infection susceptibility 5.-Factors to maintain Normal Microbiota. 6.- Areas of the body with Normal Microbiota and sterile areas. 7.-Symbiosis: Commensalism - Mutualism - Parasitism. 8.- Exceptions to Koch's postulates. 9.- Symptom-Sign-Syndrome. 10. Communicable and Non-communicable infectious diseases. Contagious disease. 11.- Incidence - Prevalence and Sporadic - Endemic - Epidemic - Pandemic diseases. 12.- Acute - Chronic - Latent diseases. 13.-...
this started to get confusing because some of the answers started
to feel like they were similar to more than one option. i need
Chapter 3: Infection Control, Safety, First Aid, and Personal Wellness Pictogram 31. _PPE Reservoir Reverse isolation SDS Standard precautions 12 Precautions to be used in caring for all patients Protective items worn by an individual "M. Protects a patient who is highly susceptible to infection N. Provides a widely used HAI tracking System 0 Source...