Which of these strings is in the language {vwv: v,w has an element of {a,b}*, |w|=3}...
## Help Me ##
Consider the language L1= {w element {a; b}*:n_a(w) = n_b(w)} give the NPDA
Give regular expressions for the following languages: (a) The language of all strings over {a,b} except the empty string. (b) The language of all strings over {a,b} that contain both bab and bba as substrings. (c)L k = {w ∈ {a,b} * | w contains a substring having 3 more b’s than a’s}. (d) The language of all strings over {a,b} that have a b in every odd position (first symbol is considered position 1; empty string should be accepted)...
1. Construct a DFSM to accept the language: L = {w € {a,b}*: w contains at least 3 a's and no more than 3 b's} 2. Let acgt} and let L be the language of strings consisting of repeated copies of the pairs at, ta, cg, gc. Construct both a DFSM to accept the language and a regular expression that represents the language 3. Let a,b. For a string w E ', let W denote the string w with the...
Additional 9-13 Prove that the language {w#w|w is a string over the alphabet {a,b,c}} is not regular Tip: here are some strings in that language: abbc#abbc a#a aaa#aaa aaab#aaab cab#cab
Give a regular expression for the language of strings over {a,b} in which each substring of length 2 contains two distinct characters
Answer for element 1 Part B: b. Give two sample strings with a length of 6 that are constructed from the correct alphabet: One that is in L, and one that is not in L. abacab – L bacbaa – Not L !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Question!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: For the language L from task b) from element 1, complete the following tasks: a. [20 marks] From the previously built RE (see element 1 exercise b) ), build a Context-Free Grammar (CFG) for L. b. [20...
2. Let {acgt} and let L be the language of strings consisting of repeated copies of the pairs at, ta, cg, gc. Construct both a DFSM to accept the language and a regular expression that represents the language 3. Let a,b. For a string w E X", let W denote the string w with the a's and b's flipped. For example, for w aabbab: w bbaaba wR babbaa abaabb {wwR Construct a PDA to accept the language:...
(3) Prove that the following language is undecidable L {< M, w> M accepts exactly three strings }. Use a reduction from ArM
The “tail” of a language is defined as the set of all suffixes of its strings. That is, tail(L) = {y : xy ∈ L for some x ∈ Σ∗} (i). If L = {w ∈ {a, b}∗ : w contains exactly three b’s}, give a brief description of tail(L). (ii). Show that if L is any regular language, then tail(L) is also a regular language. As with Question 3, you can assume Σ = {a, b} if you like....
4. Let L: V→ W be a linear map. Let w be an element of W. Let uo be an ele- ment of V such that LvO-w. Show that any solution of the equation L(X)-w is of type uo + u, where u is an element of the kernel of L.