
write a single 2 page paper explaining the core values and beleifs of CVS and how...

write a single 2 page paper explaining the core values and beleifs of CVS and how are these translated into action?
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Answer #1

The core values and beliefs of CVS:


CVS refers to core value system. As per CVS, core values are the main characteristics of organization, they motivate organizational behaviour.

A value system refers to set of things i.e. resources, processes, behaviour, relationship, information and beliefs that are able to be evaluated.

In a core value system (CVS), organization is considered as a value system (subject) that can be evaluated on the basis of specific characteristic (core-values).

The core values and beliefs of CVS:

Following are the core values and beliefs of CVS:

Innovation: With ever changing business environment, to keep innovating their business processes, and keep updating their information is of tremendous significance for organizations. CVS addresses innovation, by concentrating on knowledge, knowledge sharing and uniqueness.

Collaboration: In order to ensure that collaborative work culture is maintained agility, responsiveness, and reliability are implemented and enforced in an organization.

Caring: In order to build caring organization values like responsiveness, mutual understanding, respect and care are implemented in an organizational culture.

Integrity: In order to implement this core value, organizations work as a system where self-interest as well as organizational interest goes hand in hand. Employees are informed about the link between personal objectives and self-objectives.

In order to translate core values into action, CVS management model is implemented. This model is divided into two sub-systems i.e. core value objects sub-system and the core evaluation subsystem.

Core value objects sub-system is represented by organization itself. The core evaluation subsystem is represented by the core values, the evaluation perspective, functions to evaluate these core values and other elements of evaluation.

The steps involved in translating core values and beliefs of CVS into actions are highlighted as follows:

  • Create
  • Update
  • Analyse
  • Assessment


Technological Innovation for Sustainability edited by Luis M. Camarinha-Matos

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