
Subject: Database Design System & Management Write in own words. Minimum 200 words..No copying from internet/...

Subject: Database Design System & Management

Write in own words. Minimum 200 words..No copying from internet/ web resources/ textbook

Q: What is the relationship between the SDLC and the DBLC? Are there any similarities? Are there any parallel activities in DBLC?

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Answer #1

Database can be modelled using similar SDLC phases. The overall approach is same in both the development life cycle, however DBLC may perform iteration in several steps.

Typical steps followed in both the Life Cycle are (These steps do have different names in their life cycle) :

1. Planning:

The first phase is planning. Initially assessment is done as what is to be constructed.

2. Analysis:

The detail analysis of user requirement and existing system should be done.

3. Detailed System Design:

All the elements are studied and required one's are stated. The design of the proposed system is constructed.

4. Implementation:

The deign that was created in step 3 is implemented to create the final product.

5. Maintenance:

Changes and improvements are made in timely order to keep the system working efficient and smooth.

Parallel activities in SDLC and DBLC are:

1. Analysis-Database initial study

2. Detailed Design-Database design

3. Coding- Implementation and loading.

4. Testing and evaluation.

5. Application program and maintenance- Database maintenance and evolution.

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Subject: Database Design System & Management Write in own words. Minimum 200 words..No copying from internet/...
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