
Write a program that reads a string from keyboard and tests whether it contains a valid...

Write a program that reads a string from keyboard and tests whether it contains a valid date. Display the date and a message that indicates whether it is valid. If it is not valid, also display a message explaining why it is not valid.

The input date will have the format mm/dd/yyyy. A valid month value mm must be from 1 to 12 (January is 1). The day value dd must be 1 from to a value that is appropriate for the given month. February has 28 days except for leap years when it has 29. A leap year is any year that is divisible by 4 but not divisible by 100 unless it is also by 400.

* Java program free from syntax, logic and run time errors

* Used appropriate string function to separate single input into multiple variable. Student did validation checks for day, month and year. Also check for all digits.

* Code optimisation: reduced number or repeated display statements.

* Descriptive block and inline comments included

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Write a program that reads a string from keyboard and tests whether it contains a valid...
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