
A study by Meltzer et al. (A-27) examined the response to 5 mg desloratadine, an H1-receptor...

A study by Meltzer et al. (A-27) examined the response to 5 mg desloratadine, an H1-receptor
antagonist, in patients with seasonal allergies. During the fall allergy season, 172 subjects were
randomly assigned to receive treatments of desloratadine and 172 were randomly assigned to receive
a placebo. Subjects took the medication for 2 weeks after which changes in the nasal symptom score
were calculated. A significant reduction was noticed in the treatment group compared to the placebo
group, but gender was not a significant factor. What are the factors in the study? At how many levels
does each occur? What is the response variable?

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Answer #1

The factors in the study are independent variables. For the above experiment, a two-way ANOVA was used. The two factors are the type of treatment and gender. The treatment type was further categorized into placebo and treatments of desloratadine. The response variable is the change in nasal symptom scale.

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A study by Meltzer et al. (A-27) examined the response to 5 mg desloratadine, an H1-receptor...
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