please solve with explanations 3. (20 pts) A particle of mass m and charge q is in a one dimensional harmonic oscillato...
A particle of charge q and mass m is bound in the ground state of a one-dimensional harmonic oscillator potential with frequency oo. At time t-0 a weak spatially uniform electric field (E) is turned on, so that the perturbation to the Hamiltonian can be described as R'(t) =-q Exe-t/t for t> 0. Using first order, time-dependent perturbation theory, calculate the following probabilities: (a) the particle is detected in the first excited state after a very long time (t »...
1. Consider a spin-0 particle of mass m and charge q moving in a symmetric three-dimensional harmonic oscillator potential with natural frequency W.Att-0 an external magnetic field is turned on which is uniform in space but oscillates with temporal frequency W as follows. E(t)-Bo sin(at) At time t>0, the perturbation is turned off. Assuming that the system starts off at t-0 in the ground state, apply time-dependent perturbation theory to estimate the probability that the system ends up in an...
Suppose a particle is in a one-dimensional harmonic oscillator potential. Suppose that a perturbation is added at time t = 0 of the form . Assume that at time t = 0 the particle is in the ground state. Use first order perturbation theory to find the probability that at some time t1 > 0 the particle is in the first excited state of the harmonic oscillator. H' = ext.
al hamonic poteantial with cigcnstat) definedb Consider a particle in a one-dimensional harmonic potential with eigenstates |n〉 defined by A n)-E n . If the particle is initially in an equal superposition ofits groundstate and first excited state: |ψ(t-0 2. excited state: Ive-o)- )-11) (a) According to the time-dependent Schrodinger equation, what is the wavefunetion of the particle at a later time t (b) Find the expectation value of position as a function of time for the particle. Hint: use...
A particle with mass m is in a one-dimensional simple harmonic oscillator potential. At time t = 0 it is described by the state where lo and l) are normalised energy eigenfunctions corresponding to energies E and Ey and b and c are real constants. (a) Find b and c so that (x) is as large as possible. b) Write down the wavefunction of this particle at a time t later c)Caleulate (x) for the particle at time t (d)...
19. Suppose that an electron in a one-dimensional harmonic-oscillator potential muo2 is subjected to an oscillating electric field o) cos wt in the x direction (a) If the electron is initially in the ground state, what is the proba- bility that the electron will be in the nth excited state at time t? (b) I , perturbation theory will fail at some time t. What is the critical time?
QUANTUM MECHANICS Problem 4 Consider a one-dimensional charged harmonic oscillator. Let the coordinate be, charge be q, mass be m, and the frequency of the oscillator be u. (a) 79 rat t =-oo, the oscillator is in the ground state 10). A uniform electric field E along x axis is applied betweentoo andtoo with the time dependence of E being given by E(t) ー(t/ア Neglect the induced magnetic field. Find the probability that the oscillator goes to the nth excited...
Please solve with the explanations of notations 1. The two dimensional Harmonic Oscillator has the Hamiltonian n, n'>denotes the state In> of the x-oscillator and In'> of the y-oscillator. This system is perturbed with the potential energy: Hi-Kix y. The perturbation removes the The perturbation removes the degeneracy of the states | 1,0> and |0,1> a) In first order perturbation theory find the two nondegenerate eigenstates of the full b) Find the corresponding energy eigenvalues. На Hamiltonian as normalized linear...
Please do this problem about quantum mechanic harmonic oscillator and show all your steps thank you. Q1. Consider a particle of mass m moving in a one-dimensional harmonic oscillator potential. 1. Calculate the product of uncertainties in position and momentum for the particle in 2. Compare the result of (a) with the uncertainty product when the particle is in its the fifth excited state, ie. (OxơP)5. lowest energy state. Q1. Consider a particle of mass m moving in a one-dimensional...
1. A particle, initially (t -> 0) in the ground state of an infinite, 1D potential box with walls at r 0 and = a, is subjected at time t = 0 to a time-dependent perturbation V (r, t) et/7, with eo a small real number a) Calculate to first order the probability of finding the particle in an excited state for t 0. Consider all final states. Are all possible transitions allowed? b) Examine the time dependence of the...