1. A particle, initially (t -> 0) in the ground state of an infinite, 1D potential...
Suppose a particle is in a one-dimensional harmonic oscillator
potential. Suppose that
a perturbation is added at time t = 0 of the form . Assume that at time t = 0 the
is in the ground state. Use first order perturbation theory to find
the probability that at some
time t1 > 0 the particle is in the first excited state of the
harmonic oscillator.
H' = ext.
A particle of charge q and mass m is bound in the ground state of a one-dimensional harmonic oscillator potential with frequency oo. At time t-0 a weak spatially uniform electric field (E) is turned on, so that the perturbation to the Hamiltonian can be described as R'(t) =-q Exe-t/t for t> 0. Using first order, time-dependent perturbation theory, calculate the following probabilities: (a) the particle is detected in the first excited state after a very long time (t »...
please solve with explanations
3. (20 pts) A particle of mass m and charge q is in a one dimensional harmonic oscillator potential ()1ma'. A time dependent uniform electric field E, ()E, os eris 2 applied in the x direction. The particle is in the harmonic oscillator ground state at time a) What is the time dependent perturbation Hamiltonian H'(t) - the potential enegy of the charge in this electric field? b) Find the amplitude ci(t) of finding the particle...
1. Consider a spin-0 particle of mass m and charge q moving in a symmetric three-dimensional harmonic oscillator potential with natural frequency W.Att-0 an external magnetic field is turned on which is uniform in space but oscillates with temporal frequency W as follows. E(t)-Bo sin(at) At time t>0, the perturbation is turned off. Assuming that the system starts off at t-0 in the ground state, apply time-dependent perturbation theory to estimate the probability that the system ends up in an...
(a) Use the variational method to estimate the ground state energy of a particle of |mass m in a potential Vx)kx, k > 0. (b) Calculate the energy shift in the ground state and in the degenerate 1t excited state of a 2-dimensional harmonic oscillator H(P2P,2/2m m(x +y)due to the perturbation V 2Axy. (20 pts)
(a) Use the variational method to estimate the ground state energy of a particle of |mass m in a potential Vx)kx, k > 0. (b)...
3. (a) Consider a 1-dim harmonic oscillator in its ground state (0) of the unperturbed Hamiltonian at t--0o. Let a perturbation Hi(t)--eEXe t2 (e, E and rare constants) be applied between - and too. What is the probability that the oscillator will be in the state n) (of the unperturbed oscillator) as t-> oo?(15%) (b) The bottom of an infinite well is changed to have the shape V(x)-ε sin® for 0Sxa. Calculate the energy shifts for all the excited states...
Exercise 10.14 A particle is initially in its ground state in an infinite one-dimensional potential box with sides at x = 0 and x a. If the wall of the box at x-a is suddenly moved to x = 10a, calculate the probability of finding the particle in (a) the fourth excited (n = 5) state of the new box and (b) the ninth (n 10) excited state of the new box.
As a result of a sudden perturbation of the harmonic oscillator originally in the ground state, the restoring force coefficient k in its potential energy U(a) (1/2)k2 changes to k' ak, a>0. Find the proba- bility to find the new oscillator in an excited state.
As a result of a sudden perturbation of the harmonic oscillator originally in the ground state, the restoring force coefficient k in its potential energy U(a) (1/2)k2 changes to k' ak, a>0. Find the proba-...
Consider a particle subjected to a harmonic oscillator potential of the form x)m. The allowed values of energy for the simple harmonic oscillator is (a) What is the energy corresponding to the ground state (3 points)? (b) What is the energy separation between the ground state and the first excited state (3 points)? (c) The selection rule allows only those transitions for which the quantum number changes by 1. What is the energy of photon necessary to make the transition...
9.5 A particle of mass m is in the ground state in the harmonic oscillator potential A small perturbation Bx6 is added to this potential (a) What are the units of ?? (b) How small must B be in order for perturbation theory to be valid? (c) Calculate the first-order change in the energy of the particle.