Inventory Program (C++)
Write a program that uses a structure to store the following inventory data in a file:
- Item Description
-Quantity on Hand
-Wholesale cost
-Retail cost
-Date Added to Inventory
The program should have a menu that allows the user to perform the following tasks:
-Add new records to file
-Display any record in the file
-Change any record in the file
Input Validation: The program should not accept quantities, or wholesale or retail costs, less than 0. The program should not accept dates that the programmer determines are unreasonable.
#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <cctype> using namespace std; const int DESCRIPTIONSIZE = 50, DATASIZE = 10; struct strinventory { char description[DESCRIPTIONSIZE]; int qty; int wholesaleCost; int retailCost; char dateAdded[DATASIZE]; }; // function declaration void createstrinventory(strinventory &, fstream &, int &); int displaymenu(); void newRecord(strinventory &, fstream &, int &); void displayRecord(strinventory &, fstream &, int ); void changeRecord(strinventory &, fstream &, int ); //main function int main() { int totRecords = 0; int chocice = 0; // creating the file if the file already exists fstream inventoryFile("Inventory.dat", ios::in | ios::out | ios::binary | ios::trunc); strinventory product; if (!inventoryFile) { cout << "Error opening the file"<<endl; } createstrinventory(product, inventoryFile, totRecords); while (chocice != 4) { chocice = displaymenu(); switch (chocice) { case 1: newRecord(product,inventoryFile,totRecords); break; case 2: displayRecord(product,inventoryFile,totRecords); break; case 3: changeRecord(product, inventoryFile, totRecords); break; case 4: break; default: cout << "Invalid choice\n"; } } cout << "Program end\n"; // close the file inventoryFile.close(); return 0; } // *=== END MAIN FUNCTION ===* // function definitions ================================================== // ====== FUNCTION DEFINITION ====== // let user fill in info for a product // user can create as many records as necessary void createstrinventory(strinventory &product, fstream &fileName, int &records) { char choiceaddrec; int totRecords = 0; do { cout << "Enter the details of the product:\n"; cout << "Item Description: "; cin.getline(product.description, DESCRIPTIONSIZE); do { cout << "Quantity on hand: "; cin >> product.qty; cin.ignore(); } while (product.qty < 0); do { cout << "Wholesale cost: "; cin >> product.wholesaleCost; cin.ignore(); } while (product.wholesaleCost < 0); do { cout << "Retail cost: "; cin >> product.retailCost; cin.ignore(); } while (product.retailCost < 0); do{ cout << "Date added to inventory (MM/DD/YYYY): "; cin.getline(product.dateAdded, DATASIZE); } while (!(ispunct(product.dateAdded[2])) || !(ispunct(product.dateAdded[5]))); fileName.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&product), sizeof(product)); cout << "Do you want to write another record? (y for yes)\n"; cin >> choiceaddrec; cin.ignore(); ++totRecords; } while (choiceaddrec == 'Y' || choiceaddrec == 'y'); records += totRecords; } int displaymenu() { int choice; cout << "\n\n =================================\n"; cout << "\tMenu\n"; cout << "Choose a chocice:\n"; cout << "1) add new records to the file\n"; cout << "2) display any record in the file\n"; cout << "3) change any record in the file\n"; cout << "4) Quit\n"; cout << "\n =================================\n\n"; cin >> choice; cin.ignore(); return choice; } void newRecord(strinventory &product,fstream &fileName, int &records) { fileName.clear(); // clear flags int numRecordAdded = 0; // number of new records added char choiceaddrec; // To hold Y or N // go to the end of the file to append the new record fileName.seekg(0L, ios::end); cout << "\n\tAdd new records\n"; do { cout << "Enter the following data about a product:\n"; cout << "Item Description: "; cin.getline(product.description, DESCRIPTIONSIZE); do { cout << "Quantity on hand: "; cin >> product.qty; cin.ignore(); } while (product.qty < 0); do { cout << "Wholesale cost: $"; cin >> product.wholesaleCost; cin.ignore(); } while (product.wholesaleCost < 0); do { cout << "Retail cost: $"; cin >> product.retailCost; cin.ignore(); } while (product.retailCost < 0); do{ cout << "Date added to strinventory (MM/DD/YYYY): "; cin.getline(product.dateAdded, DATASIZE); } while (!(ispunct(product.dateAdded[2])) || !(ispunct(product.dateAdded[5]))); fileName.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&product), sizeof(product)); cout << "Do you want to write another record? (y for yes)\n"; cin >> choiceaddrec; cin.ignore(); ++numRecordAdded; } while (choiceaddrec == 'Y' || choiceaddrec == 'y'); records += numRecordAdded; } void displayRecord(strinventory &product, fstream &fileName, int records) { fileName.clear(); // clear flags cout << "\n\tDisplay a record\n"; int recNum; // seek the file to the beginning fileName.seekg(0L, ios::beg); cout << "You have " << records << " records" << endl; cout << "Which record would you like to display? "; cin >> recNum; cin.ignore(); --recNum; // minus 1 to seek properly // seek to the record, store(read it), and display it fileName.seekg(sizeof(product) * recNum, ios::beg);<char *>(&product), sizeof(product)); cout << "Displaying record #" << (recNum + 1) << endl << endl; cout << "Item description: " << product.description << endl; cout << "Quantity on hand: " << product.qty << endl; cout << "Wholesale cost: " << product.wholesaleCost << endl; cout << "Retail cost: " << product.retailCost << endl; cout << "Date added to strinventory (MM/DD/YYYY): " << product.dateAdded << endl; // seek the file back to the beginning fileName.seekg(0L, ios::beg); } void changeRecord(strinventory &product, fstream &fileName, int records) { fileName.clear(); // clear flags int recCh; // record to change cout << "\n\tChange a record\n"; cout << "You have " << records << " records" << endl; cout << "Which record would you like to change? "; cin >> recCh; cin.ignore(); --recCh; // minus 1 to seek properly // seek to the record fileName.seekg(sizeof(product) * recCh, ios::beg); // let the user change the record cout << "Changing record #" << (recCh + 1) << endl << endl; cout << "Enter the following data about a product:\n"; cout << "Item Description: "; cin.getline(product.description, DESCRIPTIONSIZE); do { cout << "Quantity on hand: "; cin >> product.qty; cin.ignore(); } while (product.qty < 0); do { cout << "Wholesale cost: $"; cin >> product.wholesaleCost; cin.ignore(); } while (product.wholesaleCost < 0); do { cout << "Retail cost: $"; cin >> product.retailCost; cin.ignore(); } while (product.retailCost < 0); do{ cout << "Date added to strinventory (MM/DD/YYYY): "; cin.getline(product.dateAdded, DATASIZE); } while (!(ispunct(product.dateAdded[2])) || !(ispunct(product.dateAdded[5]))); // rewrite over record in the file fileName.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&product), sizeof(product)); // seek the file back to the beginning fileName.seekg(0L, ios::end); cout << "The file has been rewritten\n"; }
Inventory Program (C++) Write a program that uses a structure to store the following inventory data...
please write in C++ Write a program that uses a structure to store the following inventory data in a file: The data can be either read from a text file or the keyboard Item name (string) Quantity on hand(int) Wholesale cost(double) Retail Cost(double) The program should have a menu that allows the user to perform the following tasks: Add new records to the file Display any record in the file User will provide the name of the item or the...
Write a C++ program that uses a structure to store the following inventory information in a file: ⦁ Item description, Quantity on hand, Wholesale cost, Retail cost, and Date added to inventory. ⦁ Use a char array for item description and date. ⦁ The program should have a menu that allows the user to perform the following tasks: i. Add a new record at the end of the file. ii. Display any record in the file. iii. Change any record...
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loads a structure of up to 100 items
defined as:
struct item
int item_number;
char item_name[20];
char item_desc[30];
float item_price;
I called mine: struct item inventory[100]; (you may use any name
you wish)
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