please write in C++ Write a program that uses a structure to store the following inventory data in a file: The data can be either read from a text file or the keyboard Item name (string) Quantity on hand(int) Wholesale cost(double) Retail Cost(double) The program should have a menu that allows the user to perform the following tasks: Add new records to the file Display any record in the file User will provide the name of the item or the first n letters of the name of the item Change any record in the file (Note: if this option chosen, then the whole record must be reentered even if the user wants to change only one or more fields) Display all records Prepare a report containing: The total wholesale value of the inventory The total retail value of the inventory The total quantity of all values in the inventory. Input validation: The program should not accept quantities or wholesale or retail costs less than 0.
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Code to Copy:
//Include the header file for visual studio.
#include "stdafx.h"
//Include the header files.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
//Declare the structure Item_information.
struct Item_information
//Craete the variables.
string Item_name;
int Quantity_on_hand;
double wholesale_cost;
double retail_cost;
//Define the function Add_the_items to add the record.
void Add_the_items(vector<Item_information*>& store)
//Declare the variable of bool type to check the cost.
bool flag = false;
//Create an object of the structure Item_information.
Item_information* Item = new Item_information();
//Begin the do while loop.
//Prompt the user to enter the name.
cout << "Enter the name of the Item. " << endl;
cin >> Item->Item_name;
//Prompt the user to enter the quantity.
cout << "Enter the Quantity_on_hand. " << endl;
cin >> Item->Quantity_on_hand;
//Prompt the user to enter the wholesale cost.
cout << "Enter the whole sale cost." << endl;
cin >> Item->wholesale_cost;
//Prompt the user to enter the retail cost.
cout << "Enter the retail cost" << endl;
cin >> Item->retail_cost;
//check the wholesale cost and retail cost.
if (Item->wholesale_cost < 0
|| Item->retail_cost < 0)
flag = false;
else flag = true;
while (!flag);
//Define the function Single_record_display to display a single record.
void Single_record_display(vector<Item_information*>& store)
//Declare a variable of type string.
string search_item;
//Enter the name of the record to search.
cout << "Enter item to be search : ";
cin >> search_item;
//Start the for loop to display the record.
for (int i = 0; i < store.size(); i++)
string itemname = store[i]->Item_name;
if (, search_item.size(),
search_item) == 0)
//Display the infomation of the record.
cout << "Name of the item : \t"
<< store[i]->Item_name << endl
<< "Quantity_on_hand : \t"
<< store[i]->Quantity_on_hand << endl
<< "Wholesale cost : \t"
<< store[i]->wholesale_cost << endl
<< "Retail cost : \t"
<< store[i]->retail_cost << endl;
//Define the function Display_all-records to display all records.
void Display_all_records(vector<Item_information*>& store)
cout << "All the entered recordes are : " << endl;
//Begin the loop for displaying all records.
for (int i = 0; i < store.size(); i++)
//Display the infomation of the record.
cout << "Name of the item : \t"
<< store[i]->Item_name << endl
<< "Quantity_on_hand : \t"
<< store[i]->Quantity_on_hand << endl
<< "Wholesale cost : \t"
<< store[i]->wholesale_cost << endl
<< "Retail cost : \t"
<< store[i]->retail_cost << endl;
//Define the function Change_the_record to change a particular record.
void Change_the_record(vector<Item_information*>& store)
//Prompt the user to enter the record to be changed.
cout << "Enter the item name to change: ";
//Declare a variable of type string.
string change_item_name;
cin >> change_item_name;
//Start the for loop to enter the record.
for (int i = 0; i < store.size(); i++)
//Change the item.
if ([i]->Item_name)
== 0)
//Change the name and other specifications.
cout << "Name of the change item : \t";
cin >> store[i]->Item_name;
cout << "Quantity_on_hand : \t";
cin >> store[i]->Quantity_on_hand;
cout << "Wholesale cost : \t";
cin >> store[i]->wholesale_cost;
cout << "Retail cost : \t";
cin >> store[i]->retail_cost;
//Define the function Record_report to prepare the report.
void Record_report(vector<Item_information*>& store)
cout << "Report " << endl;
//Declare the variables and initialize it to 0.
int total_Quantity = 0;
double total_Wholesale_cost = 0;
double total_Retail_cost = 0;
//Begin the loop.
for (int i = 0; i < store.size(); i++)
//Compute the total qualtity, wholesale_cost
//and the retail_cost.
total_Quantity += store[i]->Quantity_on_hand;
total_Wholesale_cost += store[i]->wholesale_cost;
total_Retail_cost += store[i]->retail_cost;
//Display the report.
cout << "Overall report of the inventory " << endl;
cout << " Total Quantity : "
<< total_Quantity << endl;
cout << " Total WholesaleCost : "
<< total_Wholesale_cost << endl;
cout << " Total RetailCost : "
<< total_Retail_cost << endl;
//Menu_of_tasks function to display the menu.
void Menu_of_tasks()
cout << endl;
//Menu of different tasks.
cout << "Choose the tasks." << endl;
//For exit the program.
cout << "For Exit : 0" << endl;
//For adding new records.
cout << "Adding_New_Records : 1" << endl;
//Display a single record entered.
cout << "Display a single record : 2" << endl;
//For display all the entered records entered till
cout << "Display all the records : 3" << endl;
//For changing the record.
cout << "Change the records : 4" << endl;
//Report of all the records entered.
cout << "Report of the records : 5" << endl;
//Begin the main() function.
int main()
vector<Item_information*> store;
//Declare and initialize the variable choice.
int choice = 1;
//Call the function menu();
//Input the choice.
cin >> choice;
//Start the switch case.
switch (choice)
//Add the records to the inventory.
case 1:
//Call the function Add_the-items().
//Display the single record.
case 2:
//Call the function Single_record_display()
//Display all records.
case 3:
//Call the function Display_all-records().
//Change the record in the inventory.
case 4:
//Call the function Change_the_record().
//Prepare report of the inventory.
case 5:
//Call the function Record_report().
} while (choice != 0);
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