
Does Florida (or the place where you live) have a brand slogan? What is it? Does...

Does Florida (or the place where you live) have a brand slogan? What is it? Does it represent your sense of place? Why or why not? To what extend does it capture the main attractions? Please be specific, use examples and discuss your answer.

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✓ I don't resides in Florida, but in India. Wherein, there is a city called as vijayapur or bijapur, located in the state Karnataka. It has a brand slogan called as "the city of victory". Here, many kings have build historical monuments after getting into many wars and gaining victory. One of the famous monument known to be ''gol gumbad', is one of the tourist attractions and largest one in the whole city. The slogan does represent the sense of place, because, victory is something gained after so many wars and problems and so does Bijapur witnessed it in its past. Gaining victory over enemies, victory over water shortages and extreme poverty.

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Does Florida (or the place where you live) have a brand slogan? What is it? Does...
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