provide an example of prokaryotic gene that is constitutively expressed.
LacI gene, which encodes the lac repressor, is constitutively expressed. The lacI gene lies near the lac operon.
Some genes are not subject to regulation, i.e. they are constitutively expressed. Such genes are always transcribed. LacI gene is one such gene. The lac repressor blocks the binding of the RNA polymerase to the promotor. Thereby keeping the operon turned off.
provide an example of prokaryotic gene that is constitutively expressed.
A) Given the following genotypes of E. coli strains, predict whether the lacZ gene will be inducibly expressed, constitutively expressed, or permanently repressed in the presence of lactose as the only sugar. Genotype I+O+Z+ will have the lacZ gene __________ , because __________ I-O+Z+ will have the lacZ gene __________ , because __________ ISO+Z+ will have the lacZ gene __________ , because __________ I+OCZ+ will have the lacZ gene __________ , because __________ ISOCZ+ will have the lacZ gene __________ , because __________ B) The following strains of E. coli carry a...
What is the difference in gene regulation between eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells?
12. In some instances, using a constitutively active promoter to drive the expression of your gene is not preferable. Why? 13. In some instances, it is preferable to tag a protein with a marker such as FLAG instead of GFP. Why? 14. Other than GFP and FLAG, list 2 other markers that are commonly used to tag proteins.
Describe how the Trp operon functions in prokaryotic gene transcription.
3. Prokaryotic and eukaryotic gene expression compared. Below is an incomplete table of prokaryotic and eukaryotic gene expression in comparison. Fill in the blank using PPT slides, notes and the textbook. Prokaryotic gene expression Eukaryotic gene expression Overview Steps Transcription and translation Yes Transcription and translation coupled? Gene structure No introns Epigenetic modification (chromosome remodeling) transcription, translation, RNA processing, protein processing Transcription in the nucleus and translation in the cytoplasm Interrupted gene with exons and introns RNAPI, II, III Which...
21 A A A Aa AOE E ADA Eta In class Prokaryotic Gene Reg: lac operon Name Styles Styles Pane Dictate When: → Is the Z gene expressed? in Units Glucose present Lactose present I* PO*Z*Y* 100 IPO*ZY+ I* PO*Z*Y* 200 IP-OCZY 1* P*O*Z-Y IP-O*Z*Y POZY* I'POCZY IP-O*Z*Y* POZY IPOCZY IPOZY I* POZY I* PO*ZY IPOCZY English (United States) Focus - - 803 S %
1) The FOXP2 transcription factor is expressed in human brain, heart, and lungs. The protein is required for normal development. Given that eukaryotic genes do not occur in operons, how can the STAT 1 transcription factor simultaneously regulate the transcription of more than 275 different target genes? 2) Many genes are transcribed constitutively, while others are regulated specifically. Regulation can occur in response to various stimuli in either a positive or negative direction. Describe one type of gene that would...
A) Given the following genotypes of E. coli strains, predict whether the lacZ gene will be inducibly expressed, constitutively expressed, or permanently repressed in the presence of lactose as the only sugar. Genotype I+O+Z+ will have the lacZ gene __________ , because __________ I-O+Z+ will have the lacZ gene __________ , because __________ ISO+Z+ will have the lacZ gene __________ , because __________ I+OCZ+ will have the lacZ gene __________ , because __________ ISOCZ+ will have the lacZ gene __________ , because __________
7. Are all prokaryotic genes expressed all of the time? Why or why not? How does the cell know which genes to express and when?
Draw a typical prokaryotic gene with its promoter and terminator. Draw the primary transcript Label (using letters) all the parts (including sites of consensus sequences) in both the gene and the mRNA. Indicate what the ‘letters stand for. (Use the line drawing below). What proteins are involved in transcription initiation, elongation and termination in prokaryotic genes. +1 5’ ________________________________________________________________ 3’ 3’ ________________________________________________________________ 5’