In your own words, what is the definition of validity? Do you think intelligence tests are valid? why or why not? what are these tests measuring, if not intelligence?
In your own words, what is your definition of intelligence?
Validity indicates the soundness of the results or the research done on a topic. It suggests the extend to which any concept, conclusion or measurement is well-founded and corresponds accurately to the real world. Intelligence is defined to be the capacity of us acquiring and applying knowledge. It enables us to learn form experience, also adapt to the environment around and then conclude on things. I do not think that intelligence tests are valid. They never test a person's all round development and ability of problem solving and critical thinking. The parameters like creative understanding are not present in these tests and do not judge a person on all moral grounds.
In your own words, what is the definition of validity? Do you think intelligence tests are...
What is YOUR definition of intelligence? How do you measure (or test) the level (and the type) of intelligence you yourself define? (When sharing your own definition of intelligence and how to measure it, make sure that you incorporate those theoretical perspectives and the types of intelligence tests Masa and the textbook presented into your discussion.)
Explain in your own words what the human relations movement is. Do you think that this is an effective management technique for the human service agency? Why or why not?
Develope your own theory of intelligence. (Do not merely “steal” from the other theorists). Please write a paper proposing your own theory and then create an intelligence test. Your test should assess more than the abilities required to succeed academically. In addition, you should describe in your paper: (a) the rationale and components (i.e., distinct aptitudes or abilities) of the test, (b) how you would standardize the test and determine its reliability and validity, (c) note any similarities or differences...
In your own words, provide a definition of strategic planning. What area of the process do you believe you'd show the greatest acumen? Why? Additionally, provide one to three questions you have about strategic planning and/or the process.
In your own words, What do you think is society's responsibility for the uninsured? (NO PLAGIARIZE 150-200 words)
Using your own words, what is your definition of economics? Why is it important to study economics? Economics can also distinguish needs from wants. Think about this…share one thing that you need versus one thing that you want. What is the big difference in the two?
in your own words what do you think about today's immigration policy and if you can change anything what would it be
Explain in your own words the alternative minimum tax (AMT) and include in your definition: (a) why was it implemented by the IRS, (b) who was the original targets of the AMT, (c) how it is calculated, and (d) whether you think it was fair to implement the tax, why or why not.
300 words please!! Essay 7 topic: Explain in your own words, why do you think so many people in present-day America believe that SCIENCE is not important, and that it is not worth the effort to learn. Is this negative opinion of SCIENCE socially harmful or not? Explain what you believe could be done to change these people's negative opinions of science.
In your own words! 1.What is the definition of an invasive species? 2.Why are invasive species harmful to the environment? 3. What can be done to control invasive species? (think about both prevention and what can be done to control an invasive species once it is already present in the ecosystem)